I'm pretty set that I will want to get an android phone, although I'm still considering the iphone.
I'm a verizon wireless customer and I live in the north east (USA).
Right now the two phones I'm contemplating are the droid x2 and the incredible 2. What do you guys feel is the better option as far as the overall setup, BATTERY LIFE, multitasking, etc.
You can also recommend another phone and tell me why.
If one andriod phone has significantly better battery life than that would probably lead me to get that phone (which is pretty much the huge reason why I'm considering the iphone).
Thanks in advance!
I'm a verizon wireless customer and I live in the north east (USA).
Right now the two phones I'm contemplating are the droid x2 and the incredible 2. What do you guys feel is the better option as far as the overall setup, BATTERY LIFE, multitasking, etc.
You can also recommend another phone and tell me why.
If one andriod phone has significantly better battery life than that would probably lead me to get that phone (which is pretty much the huge reason why I'm considering the iphone).
Thanks in advance!