Droid X2, Incredible 2 or other

Which phone?

  • Droid X2

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Incredible 2

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Other (Please tell which one and why)

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 21, 2011
I'm pretty set that I will want to get an android phone, although I'm still considering the iphone.

I'm a verizon wireless customer and I live in the north east (USA).

Right now the two phones I'm contemplating are the droid x2 and the incredible 2. What do you guys feel is the better option as far as the overall setup, BATTERY LIFE, multitasking, etc.

You can also recommend another phone and tell me why.

If one andriod phone has significantly better battery life than that would probably lead me to get that phone (which is pretty much the huge reason why I'm considering the iphone).

Thanks in advance!
The Droid x2 seems to be the best phone on verizon. If you can wait a bit then the sgs2 would be better.( I know a guy that is all.)

1) before the end of july

2) $200-300( I am guessing on this one)

hmmm, I don't know if I want to wait because I for one don't want to pay $300 for a phone. Two, I don't know how this whole no more unlimited is going to work out. For example, I don't know if it's just for new verizon customers, or for new customers to a data plan or even if I got a phone now, get the unlimited plan, but once july 7 hits (supposed date of no more unlimited), will they make everyone go to no unlimited. So if you have any insight on that, that would be great.

Also, went to the store today and played around with both of them. I like the incredible better, however I think just the X2 has the dual core processor which means that the battery life on it is typically better but if it's not by much then maybe i'd get the incredible 2 if i didn't want to for the samsung function.

If you like the incredible better then get it. The x2 is the fastest phone on verizon if you care much about speed. They both should be in the same ball park when it comes to battery life. I have not had a smartphone yet, but I am thinking on geting one soon. I don't think SGS2 will be 300, but it vary well could be do to every one wanting one. ( I want one too, but I don't want to pay 700 for a unlocked one.) I have not been on a 2 year yet, but was thinking about it.( I am doing pre-paid at&t with an unlocked KRZR)

I think if you want to stay then just get a phone before the 7th. I like speed more than anything when it comes to PC's or PC like thing's.( I did that with a labtop and now it only gets 2-2.5h use unpluged.)
Do not get the droidx2 its a waste of money the only thing they added is a dual core the rest of the phone is exactly the same unchanged. Get a 4g phone i would suggest the droid charge. but if you're into ROMS and Rooting your phone pick up the HTC incredible. Do not go for the incredible 2 or droidx2 waste of money.
a few months ago i heard about a new snapdragon processor coming out which is supposed to save on battery. until then, current gen android phones are pretty much in the same boat as far as battery life goes. anything using the processor will drain battery very quick. wifi and bluetooth are also big drains. rooting your phone and using a mod like cyanogenmod7 can help reduce the power drain of your system processes.

the droidx2 and incredible2 are pretty much just rehashes of the existing phones. definitely not a major upgrade in any way shape or form.

when i was shopping for an android phone it was between the incredible, droidx, and droid2. the droidx's touch keyboard & touch controls felt slow and unresponsive. the droid2's physical keyboard was inadequate, its touchscreen keyboard felt slow. i ended up going with the incredible. it has its own issues which i'll list in a pro/cons list below. i'll also list a few things i did to improve the feel of the phone from stock.

-480x800 4" screen. not too big, not too small.
-htc sense: good widgets, touch controls
-osk is easy to use, more responsive (imo)
-decent amount of onboard memory (i use a microsd card too)
-average battery life, performance. i can't complain.

-some phones develop an issue where haptic feedback stops working. (i have this issue intermittantly)
-amoled screen isn't the best in direct sunlight
-camera lens sticks out the back of the phone, case only extends slightly past it. i'm worried about it getting scratched (but hasnt happened yet)
-signal is decent but not the best in class. you might have to update your "cell tower list" so you get better signal. could also be just the verizon network though.

IMPROVEMENTS (optional but you might want to think about)
-replace the stock tts android voice with SVOX. stock is rather hard to understand.
-replace sense homescreen with aftermarket. i use "golauncher ex" it lets you change your "start bar" (launcher bar)
-get widgetsoid for quick wifi/bt/screen% toggles. it lets you put it in the notification dropdown list which is handy
-get an app that limits auto-syncs to every couple hours to save battery (optional)

with just a few minor changes such as i listed you can make the phone look and feel different from stock without using a rom (if you're not into that sort of thing). i

f i dont touch my phone i could probably get a day and a half out of it before charging. if i use the phone internet for 30-60 minutes or make a few calls (or install programs or anything that uses cpu) i'd get a half day out of it (12hrs) or most.

get into a habit of keeping a car charger and a home charger ready for it if you use its advanced features alot. i keep one at work hooked up to my pc and keep it plugged in whenever i'm streaming pandora (as this would eat the battery in maybe 3-5 hours at most)


if i were you i'd get a phone/plan before the limitations. it would be best to be grandfathered in before the phone data cap. not sure how it will affect existing customers but i'll bet we get the longer end of the stick this time.

i'm actually thinking about getting the charge now. i want to get the g s2 but i dont want to have tiered plan because i would be going from a $10 data plan to a smart phone sooo i'm probably just going to get the charge before july 7 to get unlimited data
I just got the Thunderbolt about a month ago. Right now it's the ONLY phone that can do voice and data on 3G and 4G. Battery life is good if you install the JuiceDefender app, or get the extended battery. Look at the reviews of the Samsung Charge and the HTC Thunderbolt here on Tom's Hardware and see which fits your needs best. Also, here is a link to reviews done by PC World magazine:
