Hello so I have what may or may not be an interesting situation. I dropped my wife's laptop the other day and on starting it up it went to the startup repair prompt (before "starting windows") however whether I select to go through the startup repair or try to start windows, the result us the same: I get back to the prompt. I have gone through the whole F8 list of starup options, none of which got me anywhere. It's an HP 625 and has some diagnostics so I ran them and it came up with a hard drive error. So my question is: is the hard drive just completely dead? Or would I be able to perform any semblance of a recovery if I were to put it in an external enclosure?
HP 625 Notebook
Seagate momentus 5400.6 320GB hard drive.
This is actually the exact model: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834157545
HP 625 Notebook
Seagate momentus 5400.6 320GB hard drive.
This is actually the exact model: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834157545