I just replaced the motherboard in a HP dv9925nr. Now, when i power up i get the message, Operating system not found.
Next power up, F10, go to Diagnostics and the test says "No IDE device". Is disk drive bad? hang on....I remove disk drive and plug into to secondary bay, power up, F10...Diagnostics now shows a secondary disk!!!! I press test and the drive is now being tested!!!
Can I "ass-ume" that the mother board I have just put in has a bad primary controller?
Next power up, F10, go to Diagnostics and the test says "No IDE device". Is disk drive bad? hang on....I remove disk drive and plug into to secondary bay, power up, F10...Diagnostics now shows a secondary disk!!!! I press test and the drive is now being tested!!!
Can I "ass-ume" that the mother board I have just put in has a bad primary controller?