I'm glad you solved the problem. I hope you went out and bought some decent cables. I'm kinda of an audophile( not really expensize equipment) but I change the various pieces so those cheap cables you get with a new DVD player, stereo and/or etc are crap.
Like the inexpensive Monster Cable or even the good Radio Shack cables are so much better then the ones that are included in your new piece of equipment.
I buy my stuff used so they won't come with the cables, so I just buy some good quailty but I don't spend alot of money on cables. Like for example, I will goto my local hardware store and buy some 12 guage wire for my speakers. Even what they call 'lampcord' which is 18 guage is fine for most speakers.
Those typical plastic RCA type cables just dont last very long, so I hope you went out and bought some decent cables. You will save money in the long run if you like me, you move stuff around and/or change out components.
Don't feel stupid about the mute thing( I got used to ask simple questions after awhile). I used to manage a audio/visual/movie rental place. We sold low to mid-end semi high-end audio stereo, TV, video cameras and rented movies.
Some of the customers were ignorant or just stupid. I had a lady come in she was probably 75, a very nice lady and itelligent. But this is like 1986 and VCRs were still a new thing for people.
So after 45 minutes she bought the VCR, she telephones and asks me " Do a need a movie screen or can I just project this on the wall?"
Next stupid question. I sell a VCR to this guy and he can't figure out why it isnt working, so I go through the process of did you hook it up correctly and etc. I must of spent 30 minutes on the phone with this guy. Then my brain clicks in, I ask him " Did you plug it in?" No, he didnt even plug it in to the wall socket for power.
Ok, last stupid person and call I got.
A guy comes in and buys a VCR, so he calls awhile later.
He says to me "I just bought this VCR from you and I'm not getting any color."
So I go through process to make sure eventhing is hooked up correctly. Nothing works he is still getting Black and White, no color.
So, I ask him what kind of TV he has and "He says I have a Black and White TV.' I said" You can't get color out of a VCR with a B&W TV. THe positive thing he came in later and I sold him a color TV.hehe
the Prisoner
I'm not a number, I'm a free man!