Excel Help MINIFS

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Sep 15, 2015
Hello you wonderful people, I am a bit stuck on an excel formula if someone could help me out it would be much appreciated.


I need a way to calculate the min and max for each product, as I do with the average formula
(=AVERAGEIFS("Value Column","Manufacturer Column","Manufacturer Cell in same row","Code1 Column","Code 1 cell in same row","Code2 Column","Code 2 cell in same row")

I know I could use an array formula but it is not practical because the worksheet I am doing it on has 10,000+ entries and about 50-60 Columns, the reason it has to be in every row is because other formulas work off the Min, Avg and Max values. It is currently all done by hand as in sorted and then =MIN(E4:E6) as an example which as you can imagine is a very time consuming.

Any help would be much appreciated and thank you in advance.
It may be easier to understand if I mention I am referring to the results of a Lab, Codes 1&2 refer to serial numbers that define the sample tested sometimes the sample is of the same kind hence they "Should" somewhat match with others of the same serial numbers. A pivot table does not really do the job because more formulas need to work off the Min,Max,Mean values to calculate trends and such (Multiple value rows in the main table). So product wise there would be say 4000+ and 10000+ tests.

I hope this helps, I am currently at the stage of thinking that the worksheet may have outgrown excel.
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