
Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

etvideo1@aol.com (ETVIDEO1) wrote in message news:<20041028113556.11669.00002496@mb-m15.aol.com>...
> I have this title for auction ending Sunday night as well as hundreds (almost a
> thousand) of other titles in my eBay store.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6334441320

$ 9.95 minimum starting price for LDs? Ouch.

With no bids, eBay listing fees for these 750 LDs adds up to about $
250. Ouch again.


Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

>> I have this title for auction ending Sunday night as well as hundreds
>(almost a
>> thousand) of other titles in my eBay store.
>> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6334441320
>$ 9.95 minimum starting price for LDs? Ouch.
>With no bids, eBay listing fees for these 750 LDs adds up to about $
>250. Ouch again.

You are wrong. Store items cost 2 cents for 30 days (3 cents with gallery).
Therefore, I can list 1,000 items for a month with gallery for $30.00. One, or
more sells every day, giving me a $300.00 return at minimum. At least half, I
send overseas where the shipping is often more than the cost of the disc.
While I list a few for auction at 35 cents each each to draw attention to my
store as well as posting here. My counters really jump up when I do post here.
Some of the auction titles have sold for over $100.00. PRIME CUTS and THE
LOVED ONE, each did. This year I have, so far, sold close to 2,000
laserdiscs and now I list VHS, of which almost 500 have sold. I am extremely
pleased that so many sellers refuse overseas buyers. Not only do the buy (and
give me great feedback), but the drive up the price of what I do list for
How are your sale doing?