[citation][nom]wemakeourfuture[/nom]You're a moron, its a way for people to exchange information, there's nothing wrong with them. People from simple internet users to multi-billion dollar IT companies use both services.[/citation]
[citation][nom]wemakeourfuture[/nom]Wow, people can't even read a few sentences to understand what an article is before making unrelated comments...[/citation]
[citation][nom]wemakeourfuture[/nom]So many homers on TH that gave the above comment a thumbs up, pathetic, just haters who don't even know policies have changed almost 3 years ago...[/citation]
When you triple post, taking up half of the comment section, to do nothing other than call TomsHardware users morons, you aren't exactly making a good case for yourself, buddy. When something is upvoted, it generally means people agree with it, regardless of your own opinion.