Fallout New Vegas and Toontown startup lag?


Jul 20, 2012

Oh 8 GB ram too.
I dont know if this is the correct place to put it but, everytime i start up Toontown and Fallout New vegas on my pc, it like does these little freeze bursts. I'll post a video about it later, but basically on toontown it does like 2 freeze bursts for like 3 seconds each and then stops. And when i go to a new area it might do it once and then won't do it again afterwards. And in fallout new vegas, whenever i open my inventory it will lag. And when i first load up it will lag. (Lag being those freeze bursts i was talking about) and it will do about 2-3 when i start it up and 1-2 when i open my inventory then it might do another 1 or 2 before it will stop permenantly. Is there something wrong with my laptop? I have an HD6990m and an i7 2860QM 8 cpus 2.5ghz processor and 3.4 turbo i think (or 3.2 dont remember) 2nd gen. So why is it doing this? And sorry for the paragraph :) thanks.
possibility of loading the information from the hdd to the ram, assuming it was prebuilt, it possibly has a 5200 rpm hdd and can possibly take a tiny bit of time to fully load the images for the ram when you enter a new area/open a screen. That's just a plain guess though.

Hard drives(the device that carries data) have a certain speed that it reads data and transfers it for the computers use. the two basic hard drive speeds of the age are 5200/5900 rpm and 7200 rpm (there are 10000rpm and 15000 rpm but thats unnecessary now). The higher the rpm, the faster it can read the data and send it elsewhere in the computer. It was only a guess that its a possibility that the information read speed of your hard drive can partially affect performance because laptops in general are built with 5400 rpm hdds unless it was custom made and the user decided to put 7200 rpm hdds in general.
Oh i see. Well i've been thinking i needed a replacement hard drive since I read that these lag bursts are because of bad sectors in the hard drive or something. But i see now. And i have a 7200 rpm drive i think 0_o Its an alienware.