halueryphi :
I dont know if this is the correct place to put it but, everytime i start up Toontown and Fallout New vegas on my pc, it like does these little freeze bursts. I'll post a video about it later, but basically on toontown it does like 2 freeze bursts for like 3 seconds each and then stops. And when i go to a new area it might do it once and then won't do it again afterwards. And in fallout new vegas, whenever i open my inventory it will lag. And when i first load up it will lag. (Lag being those freeze bursts i was talking about) and it will do about 2-3 when i start it up and 1-2 when i open my inventory then it might do another 1 or 2 before it will stop permenantly. Is there something wrong with my laptop? I have an HD6990m and an i7 2860QM 8 cpus 2.5ghz processor and 3.4 turbo i think (or 3.2 dont remember) 2nd gen. So why is it doing this? And sorry for the paragraph

Oh 8 GB ram too.