Fermilab Particle Smasher Shut Down Permanently

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If you have Netflix streaming or similar service check out this documentary about the Tevatron and the people involved made a few years ago.


Those bitching about the cost would probably change their minds.
Fermilab asked for $100 million for the year. To put this in perspective of how "little" this is...

Obama gave that doomed solar panel company $500 million.
The US Government gave out billions of dollars in bailouts, with varying results.
The US spent $15 billion on the "war on drugs", which most of the confiscated drugs was marijuana.
And stuff about the upkeep to keep our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Considering what we spend our money on, $100 million of a "useless" particle accelerator is nothing.
I went to Fermilab when I was around 10 years old on a school trip. That field trip had a lasting and positive impact on me (now 38 years later) in how I view the world and science. Goodbye, old friend.
Used to be scientific research to benefit mankind. Now it's research to benefit some corporations or some filthy rich, greedy billionaires.
[citation][nom]cookoy[/nom]Used to be scientific research to benefit mankind. Now it's research to benefit some corporations or some filthy rich, greedy billionaires.[/citation]
it still is. proving that Einsteins theory of relativity is wrong, is a huge change in physics since most of physics is based on that theory. Having claimed to have moves stuff faster than light, makes this project worth every penny invested in it. Not only do we all benefit from this but there are now more possibilities to do stuff in the future. This isnt the kind of research that only benefits some corps and greedy people, the ones that benefit from this the most are scientific investigators. and the investigations from these particle accelerators are used in chip manufacturing and developement for thing like PCs. We all benefit.
[citation][nom]geofry[/nom]Hmmm let see spend billions of dollars on scientific research that might produce something usefull or solve some of the mysteries of the universe someday or..........spend billions of dollars on the terminally stupid and lazy that is guaranteed to produce nothing more than more terminally stupid and lazy people.[/citation]

So stupid people shouldn't be cared for? I bet you would fit right in with the Eugenics movement back in the early 1900s.

And lazy? Sure some people are, but to say every who get's it are lazy? LOL republicans, subhumans.
[citation][nom]cats_paw[/nom]Well, so far it seems the world did not end becouse o f those gadgets that they are having fun with.I do have to say that 20 billion seems a bit expensive for a bunch of brains to have fun with something that we probably wont be using for decades .Anyway, i only hope that if they create a black hole or some shit like that, that they will warn us first.I wouldent want to miss the action.[/citation]

actually, just decades isn't a long enough, more along the lines of a century, i mean what they experiment on there is the most cutting edge you can get before its theoretical.

20 billion is a bit much, but honestly, thats 20 billion over the span of 5-10 years of building, minimum. its allot, but far less than government is use to crapping away, and in this instance, its useful for the future us.
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