Finding for a new laptop

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Mar 21, 2013
Recently, like 4 yrs ago(LOL), I broke my HP Pavillion ze1000(Nope, I didn't bash it on the ground). So, now (ATLAST!) I have been searching for a new replacement. I am finding for a namd laptop. My budget would $500 max (The prices might drop in my country, so feel free to recommend). Please don't bash intel laptops here, I already know them and I don't hate them. I'm just curious to see some amd laptops lying around the outskirts of dunno.

P.S: <3 intel
The only Amd laptops i know use a E350 😛 (worst cpu ever)

My friend have one and i doesn't work well at all. i3 are WAY better for the same price range.

- The Brownie

AFAIK Intel I3 price range is around AMD a4/a6 price..
and intel pentium is at amd E-series price range...

I sound like big rip off if they sold E-series as same price range as I3 there.....

anyway DAsianFatass do u had online shop link that we can use to give recomendation...
(it helps with Price and availablity)
Your answer is incorrect, newest amd cpu for laptops is at par with i7 :) with price much lower but you have to be able to find a seller already :) Id you don't believe me just look at some benchmarks 😉 and back to your question what do you want to use your laptop for? gaming? work?

I don't know where you are getting your misinformation. In desktop yes, the 8350 puts up a good fight with the 3770k. In laptops not a chance, the a10-4600m gets something like 1/3 the performance of an i7 (looking at cinebench which is fairly accurate for tasks such as encoding, video editing, etc it something like 2 points for a10 vs 6+ points for the i7). Amd has a faster gpu but the cpu of their highest performing chip is somewhere between a pentium and an i3 ivy (gpu is much better 50%).


Please, do ready the long text. TL;DR Don't bash intel over here.

True, but I think he's aiming for 720p low which is doable but hard.

Without telling us your country or better yet lookng at some models and posting them here for use to look at we can only give general recommendations.

Get the highest a series apu you can find with dual channel RAM. a8 and a10 will have better gpu than an i3, anything lower (a6) and it would be better from a gaming/productivity prospective to get an i3.

Its very hard to give people a budget without giving them the country because prices vary. here is North America $500 will buy you a very different laptop than in say india.


All I can tell you is that I live in Philippines. I don't know any true biased online harware store in us, but I can suggest you this link.
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