fps drop in some games


Jun 12, 2017
Hello, since one month i have some fps drop on my laptop, sometimes it runs fine at 60 or 80 fps but suddenly it drops at 10 or 20 fps. I think it's a problem of heat because the temp of my gpu goes up to 85C when there is those drops, but i don't know how to fix it.

My specs
Model: HP ENVY Notebook
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz
RAM: 7,89GB
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professionnel
GPU : Nvidia geforce 940M

Sorry for my bad english, it is not my native language.

Edit :
I don't think this is normal
Clean the laptop of dust and put the thermal paste again as it is most likely dry. I have high temps im laptop and it is 3 years old. You can also remove the battery if it is accessible as it will generate heat when you play games.
If you gpu does start to heat up you can experience some performance droppage. Also double check and make sure you dont have anything super intensive running in the background as that will eat up your processing power and start to heat the lap top up.

i tried to run games without any other programs but it's the same problem.


I've already tried to play with the lowest settings, but it doesn't change anything.


Skyrim is the game i have the most problems with, but i have the same problem with a lot of other games. My poblem is that i can play normally for 1 or 2 minutes before it goes down to 15 fps. And i have this laptop for about 2 years.