fps in flask/divx


Aug 4, 2002
got an athlon 1200 320 mb sd ram
only gettin 9fps in flask when encoding win divx 5

how can i speed things up a bit
Kill all nonesential apps before running flask. Lower some quality settings. Use mmx decoding as it is fastest and you can't tell the difference. Reduce the size of the output video. Crop the black borders.

Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire.
cheers for the advice but know everything about flask

quality is a must ,is flask just slow?

been to doom 9 need an answer for speed gknot seems a slow way though?

Actually Flask is one of the faster programs. I also use Nandub and Fair Use, both are slower. Nandub is slower cause it is doing 2 passes and Fair Use is a lot slower because it is doing 4 (default).

Give me fuel, give me fire, give me that which I desire.
you are lucky. i have 7fps with my TB 1.333@1.551, 512MB PC150 CAS2 SDRAM!

i've plugged my home blower to my case ... dunno what happen ... that works?!?
DivX is a complicated video algorithm & needs alot of cpu resources. it exists know a FlaskMPEG AMD & Intel optimized version (for SSE & SSE2 iirc). nevertheless you need a huge cpu like a AXP 2100+ or an intel p4 2.4 to reach 50fps encoding. (same cpu resources needed likewise 3DStudio Max or so) the best at this time staying a p4 1.6A@2.8 :smile: for a modest amount.

i've plugged my home blower to my case ... dunno what happen ... that works?!?
If you wanna have good quality and speed at the same time, I would suggest Gordian. You can download it from doom9.net.

I have been using it for like 5 months, excellent results, I must say.

It just takes some time to get used to.

At home, I have Athlon 1GHz @ 1.3GHz; 256MB 133MHz RAM; ATA 100 IBM HD and Star Wars Episode 1 encoded @21.5fps, Gladiator @ 22.8fps. Each film takes approx. 6 hours for 2-pass encoding.

Simply beatiful.