Fraps Upload to Youtube Help


Oct 11, 2010
Let me begin by saying I'm a total noob when it comes to converting and editing video.

I started recording some gameplay 1 month ago with Fraps. From there I've been using Windows Movie Maker to stitch it all together, add audio, subtitles, edit clips etc... My problem comes when I upload it to YouTube the movie looks like total crap... It's watchable, but still looks distorted and the quality takes a big hit.

If someone could shed some light on how to improve my quality for the YouTube upload that would be great! I'm not very familiar with any file conversion programs or where to even begin.

If my problems need to be further elaborated on please ask and I'll try to explain to the best of my ability. As I stated before I'm kinda in the dark so any info would be a good place to start.



Yes, the quality of the video is completely fine before the upload to YouTube. Once it's uploaded the quality takes a big hit. I understand YouTube further compresses the video as it's uploading, but it looks like crap.