Free, Secure, Encrypted email service with smtp/pop features


Aug 30, 2014
I'm using Thunderbird.
I'm aware of Enigmail and GNUPG (The latter of which is very resource heavy, running 4 services at all times).

By definition, anything that is cloud based is insecure. So I'm looking for an email provider that provides a free, secure, encrypted email experience with smtp/pop access across secured ports.

yahoo. GMail, AOL, Outlook, etc are not secure nor are they trustworthy.

I've tried GMX but the support staff have less technical knowledge than a 9 year old, and mail takes up to 24 hours to be delivered, if at all
Zoho requires a cell phone to set up their service (How oxymoronic!). Since I don't have one I can't use the service.
Tutanota only provides an outlook plug in and it's only for business.
Proton Don't appear to provide pop/smtp support (correct me if I'm wrong)

So... what's left?
I doubt you'll find what your looking for in any free email service as those "must haves" cost money to setup & maintain.

Subscription-based email (eg as provided by ISPs) is more likely to provide your needs.

I use BT's email service (through Microsoft Outlook) as they provide it as part of my internet package.

I have email accounts with my ISP (Optus), but they actively block attempts to use encryption, require plain text passwords, use the traditionally (insecure) ports of 110 and 25 and block attempts for SMTP whitelisting with VPN providers.

Zoho is one that does provide what I am looking for. So does GMX.. However, one requires a cell phone the other is unreliable... So there are such services out there.

If you read the reviews of "Best free..." thee are literally dozens mentioned. Sorting through the features is tedious to say the least, and quite often you don't find out what they really provide until you sign up. I'd rather not sign of for 20 different accounts to find one.

I was hoping some people who use these services would jump in and say what they use..