Free spell checker for IE


Apr 1, 2004
If you are as bad at spelling as I am<A HREF="" target="_new"> then this</A> is pretty slick.
Now to find something that edits grammar!

!#&$ <font color=blue> 😱 </font color=blue>---<font color=red><i><b>It's not heavy,'s my computer</font color=red></i></b>
wats dat der four?

<font color=blue>I'm a DICK! So take it pussy!</font color=blue>
<A HREF="" target="_new">-={Psychotic Sociopath.}=-</A>
Dont feel bad [-peep-], I usta be lak tat bafer I gut ta smell cherker.

!#&$ <font color=blue> 😱 </font color=blue>---<font color=red><i><b>It's not heavy,'s my computer</font color=red></i></b>
Hey, it wont print your name on the regular threads. Either you need to consider the masses and change your name or my new speal checkr dosn't lak ya.

!#&$ <font color=blue> 😱 </font color=blue>---<font color=red><i><b>It's not heavy,'s my computer</font color=red></i></b>
<font color=blue>I'm a DICK! So take it pussy!</font color=blue>
<A HREF="" target="_new">-={Psychotic Sociopath.}=-</A>
Hey Face....face where ar ya???
God no my new speal checker had done plum zappeded per ol Face..[runs and hides from police]

!#&$ <font color=blue> 😱 </font color=blue>---<font color=red><i><b>It's not heavy,'s my computer</font color=red></i></b>
im here!!! heheh just an easy way to just post a laugh

<font color=blue>I'm a DICK! So take it pussy!</font color=blue>
<A HREF="" target="_new">-={Psychotic Sociopath.}=-</A>
Thank goodness, I couldn't take jail at all, maybe if I were more like wingey I'd like it.

Ok better quit busting my own thread and go to "other" section for this stuff.

!#&$ <font color=blue> 😱 </font color=blue>---<font color=red><i><b>It's not heavy,'s my computer</font color=red></i></b>
I got one right beside me that's six inches by four inches and has a cover that says "The Random House Basic Speller/Divider. Works for me.

<font color=red> If Music be the Food of Souls,</font color=red>
<i><font color=purple> Then Play On............ </b></i>
</font color=purple>