From Blackberry to Cerwin-Vega

Nov 30, 2018
I have a Blackberry Key2LE. I would like to play music from my Spotify app to my Cerwin-Vega speakers. How would I do that?
If they aren't self powered and they aren't hooked to anything, then you will have to purchase an amplifier. I would go to a pawn shop and purchase a used stereo receiver. Then you can use a cable from the headphone output on the phone to an RCA input on the receiver. Or you could look for a receiver with bluetooth. Or you could buy a standalone bluetooth add-on receiver. But first you have to have an amplifier.
If they aren't self powered and they aren't hooked to anything, then you will have to purchase an amplifier. I would go to a pawn shop and purchase a used stereo receiver. Then you can use a cable from the headphone output on the phone to an RCA input on the receiver. Or you could look for a receiver with bluetooth. Or you could buy a standalone bluetooth add-on receiver. But first you have to have an amplifier.