frontier for internet

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Aug 20, 2016
does anyone know how good frontier is for internet? we have comcast and as everyone know they set you up with low teaser rates and then every 6 months or so they jack you up in the price. now frontier does this as well but what i have learned is if your off Comcast for a year they start you out at the bottom teaser rate again and start jscking you up again. i have to get tv with my comcast internet and for 30$ a month i got 210 local channels i have antennas and get 50 ota channels so i use the tv box in the livig rooma nd the antennas at 5 other tvs

anyway now that comcast has jacked me up to over 100$ for 50mbps and 10 channels it is time to start checking out other systems. i looked at t mo but they are 60$ and there speed drifts and they do not allow porting for cameras and some say they are not unlimited data. we have a roku box so that would have to run all month

so frontier claims they have a 24 month rate lock so if frontier is decent i will just play the rate hike game and just switch every few years form one to the other to keep the rates in check.

some folks in my area are telling me they have frontier and they got jacked up now to over 120$ a month but i wonder if that is there 24 month rate hike. so what is frontiers 50$ a month speeds? they have fiber at 900mbps for 80$, but with comcast i have 50mbps and that seems to be doing a good job for us. the roku box works good and when we are online our pcs all work with good speed.

years ago when we had gen tell phones that got turned into frontier phones now we had there internet and we got like 15kbps yes kbps then comcast started offering internet, we had cable tv then but no internet they did not offer it yet. but when we got comcast internet it jumped to 15mpbs wow! and then one day it jumped to 25mbps and that was good now it is 50mpbs so if frontier is 50mbps and there price is 50$ for 24 months i will switch and then just connect the living room tv to my ota network. and start playing the price game and every 24 months switch companies and do the price hike for a year and switch again.

also does frontier modems still use the old phone lines for there connections or do they now use the cable type lines? i have the old phone network still connected in my house,

i have comcast now and last week i called to get the charges dropped after they said they would not raise them past 60$ now i pay 95$and they wanted to raise them to 100$, i asked to speak to the retention department and they told me i was talking to the retention department. plus i tired to hook up to the business account and they first wanted 60$ for 2 years and then it would go up and 120$ to install there modem. then they called me and said i could use my modem but had to pay the 15$ rental and then they changed that but said the cost would be 60$ for 12 months then go up every 12 months so they have all kinds of scam rates going on and hope one of them will sound good.

also you have to be off there system for a year to go back to the starter teaser rates. that is what they told me 2 years ago when i got the t mo modem for 60$ 2 years ago i got the t mo modem and at that time i called comcast and told them i was dropping the service and they lower my rate, they said they would lock it in at 60$ because i was getting 10 channel but they lied. so when they raise the price the next time i'm getting the t mo modem and dropping comcast and never looking back.
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