Gaming headphones or music headphones with separate mic


May 9, 2016
Hey guys, I am going to purchase a headset for gaming and chatting and I searched but couldn't make up my mind. So I wanted to ask that If I plan on buying a separate mic I.e. Blue yeti then will a music oriented high end headphones will be good? That way I can use them for listening music outdoors. Are they any good when it comes to gaming?
at $500-$600 you have more than enough to get a nice hi-fi audio head set, at that price point there is no point getting a gaming headset.

if you don't mind a wait if can find a very nice set but shipping takes like a month

good bass headphones:
good analytical or very "flat":

Great wireless headset:

Extra note when buying high end headphones
1: pay attention to the...

Hey mike, thanks for replying. I can spend $500-600 on the headphones and already have blue yeti ordered.
I listen to r&b, pop, jazz,EDM, etc.....
And last thing will it be better with with gaming too?

Most of the time a good music headphone is allways better than the equivalent gamming headphone if paired with a decent soundcard or MB sound chipset.

The exceptions:
- When you want 5.1/7.1 headphones analogic or USB ones, then you have 50% people who think that stereo headphones with virtual sorround solutions are better (and you could use a good hi-fi headset) and another 50% who think that headsets with "real" 5.1/7.1 is the way to go then you only have gamming headphones.
- When the sound hardware you have is garbage, with ulshielded/non amplified mb sound hardware that could make that you get really low performance/quality on connected headphones.

For example still i use a stereo AKG 550 for almost anything outisde shooters wih high positional awarenes that fallback to a Roccat Knave Analogic 5.1.

at $500-$600 you have more than enough to get a nice hi-fi audio head set, at that price point there is no point getting a gaming headset.

if you don't mind a wait if can find a very nice set but shipping takes like a month

good bass headphones:
good analytical or very "flat":

Great wireless headset:

Extra note when buying high end headphones
1: pay attention to the resistances or ohms, with out an amp you will not be able to use headphones above 64 ohms on a mobile device, it will be very quite
2: open back VS close back, open back will sound better but there is no noise canceling, any thing you are listening to will be able to be header by the people close by, and you be able to hear them.

the blue yeti will work wonderfully as a mic, but if you need one on the go i strongly recommend the "mod mic"

side note, i have never bothered with surround sound personally but have had descent positional tracking with games using 3rd party software to emulate 3d sound, when it comes to positional tracking it comes down to how the game is coded most of the time, some are designed for sound sound style head sets some are not.
In the last 2 years about there has been a push towards binural surround surround, which is about as close to real life surround sound as you can get and you don't need any gimmick 5.1 or 7.1 head set it just uses 2 speakers and works similar to how you 2 ears would in real life.

With that amounf of money and what you listen i would purchase a neutral studio monitor headset allways, never a gamming headset, but it's important what sound hardware you have.

Yes and probably no.
Yes they willl be better attending to sound quality, clariti, fidelity, etc..
Probably no when you need positional awareness, with a hi-fi headset you need that the hw/sw of your system makes the trick, if you are going to use the mainboard sound then the solution they offered are really trash and would will have a wonderfull stereo sound but will loose a good 5.1/7.1 virtualization.