Gaming Laptop to Last Me 4-5 Years for College?


Dec 20, 2013
In August I'll be starting college for a major in Aerospace Engineering, so I'll need a somewhat beefy laptop so it can run all the required programs/simulations, etc. Anyone have any specific recommendations? I'll probably need a 15.6 inch display, and I just mainly want something that in 4 years will be able to play games on at least medium settings. I would prefer a 128 - 256 GB sized SSD, along with an HDD of course. I'd prefer to buy the laptop within a few weeks, but if you all think I should wait til July for new stuff or price drops to come out, let me know, and let me know what to look out for.
Also, my family gets a small $100 discount on dell laptops.

Is there a huge difference in performance between a 980M and 970M? With the ram, I don't have that much knowledge/experience in that field, so if you find a laptop I can upgrade, please tell me how much it'd cost for a decent upgrade. As in terms of graphics, I've heard in some cases you can, and in some cases you can't upgrade graphics cards in laptops. I know that sometime this year new cards are rumored to come out, if so, I don't have a problem upgrading. If you find me a laptop that I can easily upgrade in a year or two, but that will run current games on high/ultra settings, that would be perfect.

I found these, but I'm not sure which one would be the best bet in lasting long. If you can customize them to better last/perform, then by all means do so. I just really prefer not to spend over $2000.

Feel free to reconfigure these as you see fit for me.



4. (I like this one, but it's not a 980, plus it's a bit close to my limit of $2000)

5. (I also like this one, but it's over my range. I can probably order one with a 128GB SSD, and it says the graphics card is MXM and upgradeable? If so, should I get this, and in a couple of years upgrade the card?)

For games on high or ultra now you need a 980m in the system, especially if you want it to run games for 4 years. A 970m can probably run games on high settings, but will be on Medium in the demanding ones at playable FPS.