Gateway Notebook doesn't turn on


Oct 22, 2003
My Gateway M-6834 notebook suddenly won't turn on. Bought it new 2 years ago and it worked great up until last night. Today, when I pressed the power button, the power buttom light started blinking rapidly and in tandem with the WiFi "on" light.

The manual says that means it's in hibernation mode, but I never put it in hibernation mode, and if it is in hibernation mode, it's not waking up. I've tried some trouble shooting tips from Gateway's support website and their help forum, but I can get no response from the machine. It doesn't start to boot or anything.

I've tried taking the battery out, pluging it in, holding the power button down for 10 seconds, reattaching the battery, ect. Nothing.

It was running Vista with 4GB of RAM. I've tried reseating the ram and making sure the HDD is securely connected.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Take the battery out and leave it out overnight. Then fully charge it and see if the laptop comes back to life.

Otherwise it's back to the retailer -- in most jurisdictions a product like a laptop is expected to last a great deal longer than any stated warranty period, so don't take any guff from the dealer about warranties -- your contract is with him, not with Gateway.
I did this and it worked...
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What can I do if my computer does not power on?
What can I do if my computer does not power on?

If your computer will not power on, below are a few steps you can follow to attempt to correct the issue.

If the computer will not power on:

Ensure that the power cord and/or AC adapter are plugged into the computer and that the connection is solid and not loose fitting.
For notebooks or netbooks, verify that the power cord is plugged into the AC adaptor completely.
If the power cord or AC adaptor is plugged into a surge protector, verify that the surge protector is powered on.
Attempt to use a different electrical outlet.
For desktops, check the voltage setting on the power supply (AC Adapters are auto switching).
If the computer is still not able to power on, you may find it helpful to perform a power reset. This discharges any electrical build up which may prevent your computer from powering on correctly.

To perform a power reset:

Remove the battery and unplug the AC adapter from the computer.
Press and hold down the power button on the computer down for 30 seconds and then release the button.
Plug in the AC adapter again, reinsert the battery, and power on the computer.
If you are still experiencing a problem, please contact Gateway support for further assistance.
Find someone who has a Gateway and charge it, once they go dead they won't always recharge, order a new battery that has some charge on it, put your friends charged battery in your pc.
The adapter to charger hardware on the motherboard is cheap and does not allow running from just adapter without charged battery. This pc needs some charge in battery so never let the battery go dead.