Getting 5.1 surround on Gigabyte H110m-S2h


Aug 16, 2017
I've found a lot about this topic by i'm struggling to find a definitive answer as to what would work best for me (I'm not a big tech guy). I have a Gigabyte H110m-S2h motherboard ( with standard audio jack outputs (Blue, green) and mic (pink). I want to set up my computer to output 5.1 surround via my amplifier (thx vsx-ax5i).
I used to do this on my old computer by optical SPDIF inbuilt into the motherboard but obviously this one doesnt have that output.As i have researched i seem to have 3 options:
1) Do some wizardry with realtek audio drivers to configure the current aux outputs to run 5.1
2) Buy a sound card with optical output i can hook up via the SPDIF
3) Buy an HDMI audio converter and run that to optical or coax SPDIF
The major reason for my confusion is that the motherboard is described as having
* To configure 7.1-channel audio, you have to use an HD front panel audio module and enable the multi-channel audio feature through the audio driver." on the manufacturers website so it seems as if you can run 5.1 with no other modifications but i dont seem to be able to figure out how.

Thanks in advance
Even if your motherboard supports 5.1/7.1, it will be analogue (meaning your receiver must have analogue 5.1 input). The easiest / cheapest way is go get USB (or PCI/PCIx) sound card with optical SPDIF, and disable (if you want) on-board audio