Good gaming laptop for $1200

This one has much better GPU (670MX 3GB - Free Upgrade) and a bigger 750 GB hard Drive for $1,199 w/ Windows 7/8 Home premium

I'd consider the following upgrades:
750 GB Seagate Moments Hybrid HD / SSD (boots in 17 seconds) + 70
16Gb upgrade from 8GB + 80
Going over $1350 will net you a $50 discount so that would be $1,319 credit" or $1,279 cash

ive thought about this one, but ive heard it has a bad network card which doesnt sound good for playing MMOS

I currently have the Y400 which is the 14" version of the Y500 and game on the wireless all the time without issues. there a way to turn off the backlight on the keyboard?

ok just 1 more quick question, Hows the ventilation? can your really use it as a "lap"top or will it burn after a while?

I have been pretty impressed with it in this regard. I upgraded from an old Sony laptop that would get very hot while this one stays relatively cool. It does get a little warm on the left side of the keyboard under lots of intense gaming, but nothing unreasonable or anything that would even come close to burning you.