Chrome is really really really really SLOW for the last 15-20 days in my Windows 10 Tech Preview (desktop mode). I've 50Mbps always from comcast, still youtube is slow, netflix is slow (though it works fine in my xbox one), even google maps is slow, daily motion is slow. simple google search is also slow. i've checked for anti virus none, checked unwanted plugins none, no extn running in chrome. Not sure y chrome had become so slow, been using it since it came several yrs ago. really annoying.
pathetic thing is its a new laptop with 32GB RAm, NVidia 770 GTX card, i7 proc, Intel SSD. Nothing else from hardware or connection wise. BTW, chrome is fast in my iPad or Note 3. Only from this laptop is slow. So, I feel Chrome has some serious issue with Win 10 Tech Preview side.
As suggested, I've uninstalled BitDefender and disabled H/W acceleration, will post an update how it works after these 2 changes.