Google Chrome made my laptop overheat

Ovi Danis

Sep 29, 2013
i just noticed some strange thing last night, while watching movie (i kept chrome on background because i was on fb).
suddenly i felt that the laptop became awfully hot. i can even hear the fan spinning so fast, and when i open CPUID HWMonitor, it shows that the CPU temp 88C, which is the first time happened to me. (while playing game the highest temperature for me is 75-78C). at first i thought it was the movie because i was watching a hd movie, so i tried to close it but nothing happened, so i tried to close all the programs, start from winamp, word, and still nothing happened.. but when i close chrome, the temp slowly goes back to 53C (which is my idle temp) so i tried to open chrome again, and again the temperature started to build up until it reach 85C. i didn't even open anything except facebook.
What is it wrong with chrome? shuold i uninstall it?

i would try a different browser to see if this condition persists. try firefox or even ie to see. if you are liking a chrome based browser try comodo dragon. never run across this problem before myself. kinda high idle temp imho tho.

there is no problem with firefox, and currently i'm using firefox, and the temp is 56C

so it would seem to be a chrome problem. like i said, try comodo dragon if you like a chrome based browser and see if it overheats there.
Next time it heats up check the task manager and see how much resources chrome is taking. If you have a bunch of windows open including watching movies it can take some resources, although I don't think i've ever gotten to the point of an overheating computer (not counting my last laptop, which was dying for other reasons)