Google Chrome not responding

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Feb 29, 2012
Recently I have this weird problem with google chrome which i can't figure out what is the cause. The program will suddenly stop responding, or takes for ages for a site to load, as if there is no connection to the internet. Then after a while everything goes back to normal. This keeps repeating and i cant use the browser normally.

I'd tried on firefox and this problem does not happen, so I don't think its my internet connection problem. This problem only started a few days ago.

I'd tried reinstall chrome or clean the history but nothing helps.
The only extention I'm using is adblock plus.

Any suggestion would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
It must be some other software on the computer that is interfering with it. You mentioned this started happening recently. did you add/remove any software or hardware?
Is it possible of a malware? but i dont face that problem in firefox.

And i realised its particularly obvious or frequent in certain sites, such as youtube, facebook or dotalicious/teamliquid.
can you try opening a new Chrome in a New Incognito Window? This will force it to launch in 'safe mode' with no extensions. then see if it works okay. Also you never mentioned which version you were running.
"takes for ages for a site to load" - same problem except that it doesn't hang or anything, it just shows this small rotating animation and doesn't do anything for 10-15-20 seconds. No solution. Found lots of posts reporting this or similar problem in Chrome.
Nope. Safe mode doesn't change anything. still same problem.

@melanie79, i think my problem is the same as you, just dat its not 10 or 20 secs, sometimes up to a minute, and when i try to click on smth it ll hang.
06-21-2012: I have the exact same problem. All morning within a few minutes of opening the Chrome homepage (19.0.1084.56) I would get the "Not Responding" and asking did I want to wait or close the program (Chrome) when trying to open a new webpage. What I did notice that each time this happened the chrome.exe would take a huge amount of CPU (and I think memory). I also had it happen at the homepage when I left for about five minutes and did not try to open a new tab. In some cases closing a tab would produce this spike in CPU and then the "Not Responding". In the afternoon for no reason at all there was no problem for a couple of hours and then it started again. It takes forever to load a page and then into the "Not Responding" thing. I've run all types of malware and no issues. During the week I did have intermittent issues where I thought the problem was my internet provider but apparently that was not the case. Firefox works fine.
I have the same issues...I cannot seem to crack what keeps freezes the Google Chrome. It keeps becoming unresponsive. I have tried to remove chrome removed all java removed flash...I am running out of ideas. I am almost to the point to re-build windows... :fou:

IE works great and Chrome on my other pc works well. I noticed something is locking up the Java Control panel. My other PC doesn't have any these issues. Running 7 x64...Both PC running same software.

This is not the issue.
I have the problem from time to time. I have to blow out my cache and history but I know it is going to happen again. Not sure if my solution will work you but it did for me. Maybe forcing chrome to delete on closure and renew everytime you launch a page with the most recent server state?
Same here. Was working fine on an overbuilt hard drive. Just replaced the drive and the system is VERY clean. Just stops loading and dies. MSEssentials & Firewall. Similar problem on a second machine with McAffie. Reinstalled several times, blew away the cache directory and the ini - as suggested by Chrome support. -- No dice. I like it because it actually does run about twice as fast as the other two, but at least they always work. Any thoughts would be appreciated
Hello Friends,

Just uninstall and download a fresh google chrome'll surely work properly..but by opening many tabs, google chrome wont get any problem...d problm may be in ur broadband service or any corrupted files in ua computer.

Thanks and Regards,
Stephen Jones

Download Manager
I have the same problem harder. Then crashes when downloading something and writes:The Crome not responding.
I install Firefox Mozilla, Safari, Maxthon . They have not problem,are fixed,stables.
Some problem have crome this update.
I think that will make him quit different.
I registered here just to post on this thread. I switched from FIOS to Cox on Saturday and immediately noticed the google search freezing on Chrome issue. I even saw my gmail page freeze up and not load. I thought it was an issue with my new cox router but sounds like others are having the same problem.

Try this for me. When you notice the freeze right click on the window and choose "Inspect Element" then go over to the console tab. Do you see an error that says "failed to load resource"??? I do when I get the freezing.

I changed the search engine for the omnibox to use Bing instead of Google and the problem went away.
Please Try opera web browser for your work. It is very good browser and its work efficiency is very good with any kind of windows. the opera user can also get help from opera tech support team at any time
I've never had problems with Chrome browser until this morning. I accidently downloaded a bunch of toolbars that accompanied a downloader for a video. Who knows what else also hitched a ride in the process. As soon as this happened, my CPU use spiked over 90% and my Chrome browser stopped responding. Typically Chrome with the number of tabs I keep open doesn't gobble up half that much CPU.

I ran Malwarebytes which picked up PUP215. Every time I would delete it, it would return. Rebooted a few times and ran Malwarebytes a few more times. It seems to be gone now.

However, my Chrome browser is still unresponsive and my CPU use remains over 90%. Evidently there is still some malware on my system that is not getting flagged for removal. As I said previously, I've never had a problem with Chrome until immediately after I downloaded this free software a few hours ago.

Any suggestions as to where I should investigate next? Thanks....
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