Google Chrome not working

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Louise Carr

Mar 6, 2015
Help! Last night, my google chrome worked properly. Now, whenever I open it, it takes a while to load and then in the end it won't load. Just a blank space.

P.S I have windows 8.1 as my edition? (I honestly don't know the term.)
On the lower right there is an arrow pointing up on your Task Bar. Click it. Now right click on the Chrome icon (assuming it's there) and uncheck Let Chrome Run in the background. The icon should disappear. Now try to open Chrome. Worked for me.
Uninstalling and reinstalling didn't work for me when I had this problem on a PC I'm supporting. It ended up being that Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit was causing the problem. Uninstalled it then reinstalled Chrome and my issues were solved.
Had this problem myself and spent a week on the net trying to fix it. The problem was another program i installed that interfered with Chrome so if you go to uninstall programs and look for the one you install just before Chrome started to fail and bingo it works again.

Hope this helps other users to.


1. Go to the desktop icon of Google chrome
2. Right click and select properties
3. In the SHORTCUT section go to the Target text box and type in '-no-sandbox' after the bit that says "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
4. Close Google Chrome if it's running in the background (check in task manager)
5. Re-open and make sure you are running as Administrator

This worked for me and fixed this bizarre problem
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