Google Chrome Won't Open after I close it?


Mar 6, 2013
So today I closed chrome and tried opening it again, but it kept telling me it couldn't. I reinstalled it a couple times, and deleted its appdata folders to make things run smoothly. To test that it wasn't a firewall issue I turned my FW off and I turned my antivirus off as well. How can I fix this? Thanks.
Sometimes an application gets hung while displaying no windows. Check the task manager's processes tab and see if it's actually still running. If so, have task manager kill the task, then try to restart the program.

If you uninstalled/reinstalled chrome or rebooted between incidents, then I doubt the above is the problem, but it can't hurt to check.
Turn off Cloud Printers in Advanced Settings. Simple :bounce:
Don't thank me, someone posted this on another website and it worked for me.

I found another problem..Google Cloud and a combination of Google Drive will cause chrome to keep running in the background and the gui won't pop up when you try to start it up. I uninstalled Google Drive also.