[citation][nom]roymustang[/nom]I'm really upset that Google went the route of Apple and Amazon by oce again going against the best interest of the consumer in order to push their own cloud services by not including a microSD slot. So now not only can I not buy the Nexus 7, but I can't even buy the Asus Eee Pad MeMo 370T that I was planning on buying because Google appropriated it and rebranded it as the Nexus 7.Thanks Google...[/citation]
Are you sure they did? I am under the impression that those are just rumors. I am hoping that Asus will still release the 370t, I want the microSD slot and microHDMI tablet with those specs for 250. It would be more or less my ideal tablet. I passed up on getting a transformer prime for this, which I unfortunately don't have the money for anymore so I hope they don't change their minds on building it.