Google Executives Convicted for Bullying Video

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So, without it being uploaded the crime wouldn't have been discovered and Google went out of it's way to co-operate and help bring about a conviction. Their reward for this is they are sentenced?

That the clip shouldn't have been made live is true - but Google cannot check every clip before it goes up, it's just not possible. That a mistake was dealt with effectively and the right result was made in the end surely justifies any claim that mistakes were made, but intentions were good and all possible actions to rectify the mistake were undertaken.

Stupid, maybe the Google execs pissed off Berlesconi or something...
While they're at it, they should convict the execs at Intel and AMD because they make the CPUs that power the computers that let people upload and download the video. And then sue the people who made the camera because it lacked privacy safeguards.
1. They didn't even know about the video.
2. They can't possible check every video on google themselves
3. Damn, look at all the bullshit on youtube. If this effects google
who's next?
4. it's bullshit

solution- Appeal,then no more google for italy.
[citation][nom]kyzar[/nom]Stupid, maybe the Google execs pissed off Berlesconi or something...[/citation]
I wonder if the fact that Google stock is somewhere north of $500 made it easier to convict them.
[citation][nom]spongebob[/nom]While they're at it, they should convict the execs at Intel and AMD because they make the CPUs that power the computers that let people upload and download the video. And then sue the people who made the camera because it lacked privacy safeguards.[/citation]

Tom's Hardware should get sued too! (For violating the privacy of the autistic boy's privacy getting violated)
LoL, I saw a comment in about the same news:

"In italy we have a big problem with justice. Google is financially negative for our prime minister, which holds also 90% of the advertisement market.
He's defending his business, from an advantage point.
Plus yesterday they caught a guy from his party laundering 2 billions euro of drug money for the mafia. He has to divert attention."
Apparently there are legal system even more ridiculous than the American one. I never would have expected that. Pretty sure this would have been tossed out in minutes even here.

Anyone know if there's anything we can do about this, somewhere we can send letters, etc?

You know, this is where it's probably a good thing I don't work at Google, what with the whole "Don't be evil" thing and all, because I'm sure, in their vast hoard of information, they have personal details on Judge Oscar Magi. Wonder what would happen if things like his address and phone number just happened to end up on, I don't know, some place like 4chan?
This is absolutely absurd. Many of the previous comments are correct: where does it end? Should the ISP of the viewers be sued? Should the manufacturer of the camera be sued? If this is a punishable offense, why aren't gun makers held accountable to deaths caused by their weapons? Why isn't McDonalds sued for every child it makes obese? Because its the choice of the people who use their products on how the use them! I'm all for privacy, but the guilty party here is the people who made and posted the video. I'm with Google on this one.
The focus should be victims of such abuse and those who perpetrate these and other similar acts. I guess the Italian officials think that Google execs spend their days filtering videos?
I am surpised by the entire situation. I wonder what is in the Italian Privacy Law that could possibly trigger judicial action. What exactly is the privacy issue? Is there some fine print in the law that applies to this situation? Does it apply to companies and their officers?
[citation][nom]the realist[/nom]Cut Italy off from the Internet for a week. Show them what this level of stupidity brings.[/citation]

now now...let's play nice and use the beloved 3-strike rule for italy instead
[citation][nom]the realist[/nom]Cut Italy off from the Internet for a week. Show them what this level of stupidity brings.[/citation]

THIS is exactly what Steve Jobs would do. NO IPOD(or soup) FOR YOU!!
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