Google Fi vs. T-Mobile: Which Is a Better Deal?

To be clear re: Project Fi costs: You show $60 for 4GB ($20 line access + $40 for 4GB). If I use just 2G of data, I receive a $20 credit. If I had purchased 8G and used 4.5G, I receive $35 Credit.

Also keep in mind, there is no minimum GB purchase. Fi will add on as you use it up to the Bill Protection for for your plan.. So, if I purchased 1GB and used 1.8 GB, I'd be charged $20 for 2GB minus $2.00 for unused portion.

This is Cellular Data
Google Fi ( previously Project Fi) has been around for several years..I wouldn't say it's an upcoming new product.... We normally get a $ credit for unused data every month. When I switched to Project Fi more than two years ago... I saved about $1,000 per year over my old TMobile plan...of course things change over time.. new plans... get what works best for you.... I like paying for only what we actually use.
What's the point of paying for unlimited data if you don't actually need or use it... money left on the table..

Google customer service is excellent... They are there 24/7 to assist you in any way.... and are good listeners. I had a problem with a phone I purchased... they refunded the entire thing and enabled me to use that to purchase a replacement .... I purchased a Pixel 2 and couldn't be happier... amazing camera...
I appreciate the effort by Tom's guide. But these plans are not comparable it is apples to oranges. You need to run this guide with Google fi high at 1 gig and 2 gig levels to see the comparables. You don't sign up for Google fi and treat it like it's an unlimited service that would be downright indescribable. I had high hopes for this article only to come and find out it was a letdown. why don't you run a guide for individuals who want to only use 1 2 3 and 4 gigs per month and see who the comparables are that would be worth some significant research.
Keep in mind what prior posters stated.

Google's base Price is $20 with no starting charge for data. Imagine: if you used no data then it's $20+tax.Use a half gig, it's $25.
I save about $70/mo vs a Verizon plan I previously had. The first year's savings easily covered the cost for my Pixel I.

Must agree on Customer Service. Easy to contact, easy to work with.
No no no, no. 50 plus taxes for 3gb of use? My apps probably use a GB a month just in updates and I don't even have that many apps. I pay 60 at metro and get unlimited data, hotspot, included with a Amazon prime membership, Android one. Flat 60 a month with metro using my own device. I don't care what anyone says you can't beat it

Question: No access to WiFi? I do all updates via WiFi. I only sync via WiFi, too.

As always, choose the Plan that fits your needs best.
Also with Google Fi they automatically connect you to open WiFi networks while you are out and about while still using their VPN. Our bills for to lines run about $65 a month.
The one thing not mentioned in the article is that fi chooses wifi first over cell service for everything. My data usage dropped by 80%. My bill dropped by 50% versus AT&T. Plus wifi is in remote places that cell service isn't available.
I have been on Fi for 2 years now and love it. Very happy with Google'd Fi support. You always can get a person to talk to. I have used a Nexus 5, Pixel 2 and now my Pixel 3 XL which I really love.
Around here in the Boston area there are a ton of Xfinity hot spot which I use thanks to my sons xfinity account so my data usage is minimal, usually a third of a gig or less.
Love Fi! and the Fi phones.
Fi is great! My Mobile Data is always turned off (on for emergencies only) and I average 31+Gigs of wifi data a month for $45.
Fi won't work well for me. I use about 8GB/month streaming Pandora or YouTube for music which T-Mobile DOES NOT COUNT towards my 5GB plan.
With Fi, you have to put up with Sprint sometimes. As a primary carrier they're bad, and they de-prioritize Fi traffic to terrible, terrible speeds.
Fi automatically chooses the one with the best signal. So if Sprint is better in a certain area, I'll take it. Also you can always force Fi to use a specific carrier with fiswitch.

Fi automatically chooses one or the other, but every single time I have problems it's on Sprint, and every single time I force it to choose T-mobile the problem goes away.

Forcing only works for a couple of hours though, it auto-switches back.

The only way I can explain the actual in-use performance of Sprint is that Sprint costs Google a lot less than T-mobile does.
Why does data have to be so tedious.Could someone explain data and why the costs vary and seem to be quite honestly just too much money.Im being a bit cynical here,but data is what I'm using now and I don't think it's a natural resource so why does it seem to be an uncomfortable issue for the industry.I relate it to landlines of past when you dialed 1 then the number and back then ATT charged you I think a per minute price with an itemized bill that always made us hate long distance.You see my frustration with data is it sounds so important and it is buy I think the first company to shift away from selling data because really,what are we talking about here,data? Explain to me the 000011111,s of it and why it seems more of a necessary evil when applied my package.I need all I can get sell me more at a reasonable price with no penalties for going over and I along with every one else will buy it.I think $50.00 a month I can watch do what I want I'll be satisfied along with I assume a lot of other customers.Making something simple is complex but at least if you can tell us why.