Googler Dumps Job for Yahoo CEO Position

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Yeah, it's going to take a while for Google to recover from the loss of such a great employee. Yahoo on the other hand might be able to turn around if they can utilize Mayer's skills properly.

I've seen one business (that shall go unnamed) that hired some great folks, but had too many restrictions (such as everything must be confirmed by the supervisor, which then must be confirmed by the supervisor's boss, and etc). They lost some of the folks, and the rest became unproductive.
Yahoo is a sinking ship and only continues to become less relevant. Sure they were a giant in the past but a giant does not remain such without continuing to grow. I can't understand why she would make this foolish choice...

Oh I know why... remember Thompson? He worked what 1/3rd of a year and in this short period time cut thousands of jobs to "save money" and then walked into the sunset with 7 million dollars severance package for less than a years "work" to save the company money of course.

I guess I would go work at Yahoo too where failure is rewarded with millions of dollars and god knows how the executives spoil themselves when they actually do something right.
[citation][nom]A Bad Day[/nom]Yeah, it's going to take a while for Google to recover from the loss of such a great employee. Yahoo on the other hand might be able to turn around if they can utilize Mayer's skills properly. I've seen one business (that shall go unnamed) that hired some great folks, but had too many restrictions (such as everything must be confirmed by the supervisor, which then must be confirmed by the supervisor's boss, and etc). They lost some of the folks, and the rest became unproductive.[/citation]

uh what? She's taking on the position of president and CEO not midlevel engineer. She's suppose to utilize yahoo's skills, not the other way around.
Yes I suppose perhaps she may need to answer to the Board, but she's the boss
[citation][nom]NuclearShadow[/nom]Yahoo is a sinking ship and only continues to become less relevant. Sure they were a giant in the past but a giant does not remain such without continuing to grow. I can't understand why she would make this foolish choice...Oh I know why... remember Thompson? He worked what 1/3rd of a year and in this short period time cut thousands of jobs to "save money" and then walked into the sunset with 7 million dollars severance package for less than a years "work" to save the company money of course.I guess I would go work at Yahoo too where failure is rewarded with millions of dollars and god knows how the executives spoil themselves when they actually do something right.[/citation]

pretty much the same at any large corporation's Executive though? Not just yahoo or even the tech industry.
If you want an example go with this one:
Duke Energy Pays CEO for one day $44 MILLION
I am so super excited about this. Marissa Mayer is brilliant. I just hope the Yahoo! board gives her enough free reign to do her thing. If she's to have any chance at turning Yahoo! around, she needs to be given full control.
[citation][nom]NuclearShadow[/nom]Yahoo is a sinking ship and only continues to become less relevant. Sure they were a giant in the past but a giant does not remain such without continuing to grow. I can't understand why she would make this foolish choice...Oh I know why... remember Thompson? He worked what 1/3rd of a year and in this short period time cut thousands of jobs to "save money" and then walked into the sunset with 7 million dollars severance package for less than a years "work" to save the company money of course.I guess I would go work at Yahoo too where failure is rewarded with millions of dollars and god knows how the executives spoil themselves when they actually do something right.[/citation]

First off she gets to be CEO. As Mel Brooks said in "History of the World Part I", "It's good to be the king". Being the head honcho means she gets to decide on the direction of the company. She doesn't have to ask her boss first. If the board doesn't like her decisions all they can do is remove her as CEO and she gets a huge golden parachute for leaving early.

Further she will get boatloads of cash in any event. Being a CEO of a large corporation also means she is in the elite club of CEOs. Now she can get the top or near top positions at a huge number of companies whether her tenure is a success or not.

To me the biggest perk is being the head of the company. I don't make as much running my own company as I could working for someone else. But the perk of being my own boss makes it well worth it.
wow how did this get up on Toms so fast? Usually news like this would take 3 days tops. Anyways I don't think anyone can fix yahoo. Their devs suck she wont make the decision to swap them out. Like I said before those devs are there based on who they know not based on their talent.
[citation][nom]NuclearShadow[/nom]remember Thompson? He worked what 1/3rd of a year and in this short period time cut thousands of jobs to "save money" and then walked into the sunset with 7 million dollars severance package for less than a years "work" to save the company money of course.I guess I would go work at Yahoo too where failure is rewarded with millions of dollars and god knows how the executives spoil themselves when they actually do something right.[/citation]

There's a CEO who even wen further in slashing jobs, in multiple companies before he was finally cut down by a scandal:

Albert J. Dunlap, aka, Chainsaw Al
[citation][nom]nebun[/nom]"innovative products"....let me fix this...copyrighted products.....that's better[/citation]
Well, when you innovate it's a good idea to copyright it, otherwise a fruity neighbour puts it in their next product, copyrights it and sues the actual innovator
What, you thought all the best ideas just grew on apple trees?
since google and yahoo are pretty much in the same space, it'll be interesting to see how much Marissa will be able to compartmentalize and not use insider information from her past job to her new one.

It's a fine line to walk, being too cautious to use knowledge may hurt her just as much as using her google history and background too much.
[citation][nom]back_by_demand[/nom]Sorry Jane, impulse control is at an all time low...Don't get jealous, she still isn't as hot as you[/citation]

I was just kidding, but it looks like one of the mods was jealous too. 😛
[citation][nom]JMcEntegart[/nom]I was just kidding, but it looks like one of the mods was jealous too.[/citation]
Yeah, I spotted that, now everyone is confused, but think about it - cute, smart and a multimillionaire, you'll just have to settle for two out of three, if it was me I would deliberately cut out 30 IQ points to get just 1 years worth of her salary.
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