I really hope this hasn't already been posted, because if it was, I didn't find it.
I have an Olevia 327v 27" HDTV. I just recently got Comcast HD digital cable and it came with component cables. So, I bought this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812189053 hoping I might get a little bit more for my money. While the image quality is maybe a tad better, I am noticing weird things now. First of all, every time I've turned my tv off and than started it up later, I get a green screen. I have to turn the cable box off and than turn it back on.
My major complaint is now smaller details almost seem, whats the word, pixelated? Jaggy? If I am watching something moving fast on the screen, I will start to see the image almost break apart and it will look like a bunch of squares instead of a smooth image. Whats the deal?
Do I have to have some sort of thing sent to my box to allow me to watch something with an HDMI connection? Did I buy a crappy HDMI cable? I would really appreciate your help guys, I am new to the whole HDTV scene. Thanks in advance!!
I have an Olevia 327v 27" HDTV. I just recently got Comcast HD digital cable and it came with component cables. So, I bought this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812189053 hoping I might get a little bit more for my money. While the image quality is maybe a tad better, I am noticing weird things now. First of all, every time I've turned my tv off and than started it up later, I get a green screen. I have to turn the cable box off and than turn it back on.
My major complaint is now smaller details almost seem, whats the word, pixelated? Jaggy? If I am watching something moving fast on the screen, I will start to see the image almost break apart and it will look like a bunch of squares instead of a smooth image. Whats the deal?
Do I have to have some sort of thing sent to my box to allow me to watch something with an HDMI connection? Did I buy a crappy HDMI cable? I would really appreciate your help guys, I am new to the whole HDTV scene. Thanks in advance!!