HDMI or Component

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In article <MPG.1d8e2babc33f389989fa5@news.nabs.net>,
Jeff Rife <wevsr@nabs.net> wrote:

> > Oh. OK. But is my impression of the digital path correct?
> Yes, it is.
> DLP is digital from the HDMI/DVI input all the way to the mirrors.
> As you say, only the constant-brightness light is analog (but don't
> get me started on quantum theory, which says that light is actually
> digital at the very basic particle structure).

I almost got into that in my reply, but figured that it would only
confuse things.

Stop Mad Cowboy Disease: Impeach the son of a Bush.
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

In article <03b9i1t9k3b747pkvr0rip780avtuj1oaa@4ax.com>,
akjack@excite.com wrote:

> Are you sure Michelle Steiner is a "she"?

I don't know whether he is sure or not, but I'm sure that I'm a "she."

Stop Mad Cowboy Disease: Impeach the son of a Bush.
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 17:09:21 -0400 Matthew L. Martin <nothere@notnow.never> wrote:

| You have a small problem with your credibility. Michelle has been around
| about as long as we have. She is more than capable of deciding whom she
| wishes to beleive.

It's more for the newbies that don't yet know of your history of harassment.

| Moron.

It's a pathologic compulsion you have to persist in making attacks on
people rather than actually discuss the real topic.

| Phil Howard KA9WGN | http://linuxhomepage.com/ http://ham.org/ |
| (first name) at ipal.net | http://phil.ipal.org/ http://ka9wgn.ham.org/ |
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

phil-news-nospam@ipal.net wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 17:09:21 -0400 Matthew L. Martin <nothere@notnow.never> wrote:
> | You have a small problem with your credibility. Michelle has been around
> | about as long as we have. She is more than capable of deciding whom she
> | wishes to beleive.
> It's more for the newbies that don't yet know of your history of harassment.
> | Moron.
> It's a pathologic compulsion you have to persist in making attacks on
> people rather than actually discuss the real topic.

Start saying anything that isn't moronic.



Thermodynamics and/or Golf for dummies: There is a game
You can't win
You can't break even
You can't get out of the game
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 18:23:01 -0400 Matthew L. Martin <nothere@notnow.never> wrote:
| phil-news-nospam@ipal.net wrote:
|> On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 17:09:21 -0400 Matthew L. Martin <nothere@notnow.never> wrote:
|> | You have a small problem with your credibility. Michelle has been around
|> | about as long as we have. She is more than capable of deciding whom she
|> | wishes to beleive.
|> It's more for the newbies that don't yet know of your history of harassment.
|> | Moron.
|> It's a pathologic compulsion you have to persist in making attacks on
|> people rather than actually discuss the real topic.
| Start saying anything that isn't moronic.

If you were not so blinded, you might see that I have. But for people like
you and Jeff, it's not really worth the time to say much.

| Phil Howard KA9WGN | http://linuxhomepage.com/ http://ham.org/ |
| (first name) at ipal.net | http://phil.ipal.org/ http://ka9wgn.ham.org/ |
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

phil-news-nospam@ipal.net wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 18:23:01 -0400 Matthew L. Martin <nothere@notnow.never> wrote:
> | phil-news-nospam@ipal.net wrote:
> |> On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 17:09:21 -0400 Matthew L. Martin <nothere@notnow.never> wrote:
> |>
> |> | You have a small problem with your credibility. Michelle has been around
> |> | about as long as we have. She is more than capable of deciding whom she
> |> | wishes to beleive.
> |>
> |> It's more for the newbies that don't yet know of your history of harassment.
> |>
> |>
> |> | Moron.
> |>
> |> It's a pathologic compulsion you have to persist in making attacks on
> |> people rather than actually discuss the real topic.
> |>
> |
> | Start saying anything that isn't moronic.
> If you were not so blinded, you might see that I have. But for people like
> you and Jeff, it's not really worth the time to say much.

When? Where? Certainly not on this newsgroup.



Thermodynamics and/or Golf for dummies: There is a game
You can't win
You can't break even
You can't get out of the game
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 21:38:58 GMT Phil Ross <paross@pacbell.net> wrote:

| I think that the great irony with this guy is that I don't think that he
| (Phil Howard) even has an HDTV. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I swear that he
| posted that he doesn't even have a High Def set. Now, that doesn't
| necessarily disqualify a person from posting in a forum such as this, but it
| would be helpful if he actually had anything substantive or useful to post,
| or was actually attempting to find information.

No, I do not have an HDTV.

I have made inquiries regarding things more associated with DTV than HDTV.
But given the structure of the newsgroups, there is no one group focused
exactly on digital broadcasting. This HDTV group would in theory overlap
into DTV, since for OTA HDTV, DTV is involved. There is a digital video
newsgroup, but that can overlap into other things like Firewire video, and
was not, at the time, very busy.

When I first asked some questions, Jeff Rife jumped to some conclusion
about what I said, and got it wrong. So therefore he thought I should
be looking for one thing, when in fact I was looking for something else.
But before that misunderstanding could be resolved, he switched into
his "personal attack" mode, which basically negated any possibility of
a civil discussion with him. Matthew Martin later jumped in with like
attacks, and a couple other people have taken pot shots. ALL of them
are no longer considered valid resources for information here or in any
other newsgroup, website, or email. I'll never know if information they
might provide in future inquiries is meant to inform or confuse, since
I would never be able to trust their motives.

I do know that in many newsgroups, newbies to that group often get the
third degree. But aside from one anti-spam group, I've never seen it
any worse than here. In that anti-spam group, I'm not the newbie, and
have to sometimes try to get some of the other regulars to settle down.

| I suppose that once Wheeling WV gets more than one digital station, old Phil
| might break down and get himself a digital set.

Actually, I get Pittsburgh better, given the location on the east side of
the hill. So when I do get DTV capability, that should give me channels
25, 42, 43, 48, and 51. But I hope to relocate to a higher location before
that happens, so I can get even more. I do know that channel 7 here has
elected to stay on 7 (giving up channel 32). As for channel 9, there is
choice in first round elections, and they can't stay on channel 57. I do
imagine they might stay on 9, but I would have suspected that would show
up in the first round. The other 2 channels in town are low power and not
on digital, yet.

Getting a digital set depends on what becomes available. I have these
current desires:

1. A portable TV, about 7 inch to 12 inch in size. It must receive digital
so that it is not obsolete in 4 years (since an STB is not practical for
a portable TV). It does NOT need to have HD (not very useful at this
size), but it must be able to handle and display all ATSC formats. This
CAN be in black-and-white. Screen ratio can be either 4:3 or 16:9.

2. A home TV. I do NOT want a big screen TV. But I do want this one to
be HD and 16:9. Using a separate STB for tuning is certainly an option
in this case. This should be CRT technology as I don't think LCD is
going to be very good at this size for HD. I once saw a 16:9 CRT based
computer monitor. I think Sony made it. I guess it didn't make it in
the market, otherwise it might have been adaptable (but probably no HDCP).
The size I want is 16 to 20 inches. I expect at least HDMI or DVI input
with HDCP support. NTSC composite in for SD analog is a big plus, too.
Analog component in is also a plus.

3. A computer tuner. This is more of a special case project. I want one
that provides the raw bit stream or transport stream unchanged (after
RF is downconverted, channel filtered and demodulated, trellis decoded,
and FEC/RS error correction). While Jeff has claimed every tuner will
do this, other people (in computer newsgroups and by email) have said
that relatively few have the capability and are limited most to those
that do the ATSC work in software. I want a corresponding modulator,

4. I'm also looking for a PCI card that includes a DV codec built in and
does baseband video I/O. For input, the software would get DV frames
as blocks of 120000 (for NTSC) bytes. For output, the same format would
be written out to the device. I could use a Canopus ADVC-110 or the like
via Firewire, but I'd rather have a PCI card for this. It needs Linux
capability. It could, in theory, have Firewire on board with video, and
just use the normal Firewire drivers. I have found ONE card that does
this (w/o Firewire emulation) but it is way expensive since it also
does tons of other stuff for broadcast applications: Skymicro Merlin05.

| Phil Howard KA9WGN | http://linuxhomepage.com/ http://ham.org/ |
| (first name) at ipal.net | http://phil.ipal.org/ http://ka9wgn.ham.org/ |
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 22:15:54 GMT akjack@excite.com wrote:

| Are you sure Michelle Steiner is a "she"?

No. But someone mentioned that before, so I just presumed as much.
Even if they had not, I would have probably assumed that anyway.
A girlfriend from the early 1980's was named Michelle, and that does
influence perceptions.

| Phil Howard KA9WGN | http://linuxhomepage.com/ http://ham.org/ |
| (first name) at ipal.net | http://phil.ipal.org/ http://ka9wgn.ham.org/ |
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

akjack@excite.com wrote:

> Are you sure Michelle Steiner is a "she"?

Sure? No.

All of the males I have known in my life with that name have spelled it
"Michel". All of the females I have know with that name have spelled it
"Michelle". YMMV

Matthew (not that it matters to me in any way)

Thermodynamics and/or Golf for dummies: There is a game
You can't win
You can't break even
You can't get out of the game
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

In article <Om%Te.12133$0E6.6018@news.cpqcorp.net>,
news.cup.hp.com <thomasDELME_gilgDELME@hpDELME.com> wrote:
>Everyone gets wrapped up in whether the imaging pipeline and connectors are
>analog v. digital that I just wanted to jog everyone's brains into recalling
>(what I consider obvious) that at the pixel level, LCD and Plasma are
>driven/operated in an analog fashion. When you ask a pixel to do 50% of
>anything, the 50% is achieved via a corresponding voltage level, +/- some
>under and over driving to compensate for where the pixel has been or will be
>going over time.

True, however, also bear in mind that the LCD screens are driven by
selecting a column of the screen and driving a whole row of pixels at a
time. This actually happens a lot more often than the nominal refresh
rate of the source, and is stored in a digital buffer up to that point.

So, whilst the pixels themselves are analog, it's very late in the game
that that happens, and it certainly doesn't make sense for the signal to
come in via an analog input and then through an ADC first if you can
avoid it.

Granted, most LCD screens do have very good ADCs and you probably won't
actually notice the difference anyway, but personally, I'd always rather
keep as much in the digital domain as I can help. Therefore, I'd always
recommend HDMI or DVI over component, where available.

Ranulf Doswell | Please note this e-mail address
www.ranulf.net | expires one month after posting.
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

Ranulf Doswell wrolte:
> True, however, also bear in mind that the LCD screens are driven by
> selecting a column of the screen and driving a whole row of pixels at a
> time. ... Therefore, I'd always recommend HDMI or DVI over component,
> where available.

I agree. I jumped into the thread (maybe a mistake ;-) ) to counter the
claim that many displays are now "all digital", and the notion that
introducing just one analog element in the pipeline would result in

Thomas Gilg
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

Actually, the LCD display, if connected either in an analog or digital
manner, is NOT driven a whole row of pixels at a time.

The DVI / HDMI connection is clocked at a pixel rate, and each pixel is
addressed in a serial manner time-wise, much the same as in an analog
"component", composite, or S-Video manner.

The digital connection with DVI or HDMI merely ensures that the display is
driven with a stream of 0's and 1"s as opposed to an analog voltage of
varying intensity such as found in component, composite, or S-Video


"news.cup.hp.com" <thomasDELME_gilgDELME@hpDELME.com> wrote in message
> Ranulf Doswell wrolte:
>> True, however, also bear in mind that the LCD screens are driven by
>> selecting a column of the screen and driving a whole row of pixels at a
>> time. ... Therefore, I'd always recommend HDMI or DVI over component,
>> where available.
> I agree. I jumped into the thread (maybe a mistake ;-) ) to counter the
> claim that many displays are now "all digital", and the notion that
> introducing just one analog element in the pipeline would result in
> disaster.
> Thomas Gilg
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

"news.cup.hp.com" <thomasDELME_gilgDELME@hpDELME.com> wrote in message
> Ranulf Doswell wrolte:
>> True, however, also bear in mind that the LCD screens are driven by
>> selecting a column of the screen and driving a whole row of pixels at a
>> time. ... Therefore, I'd always recommend HDMI or DVI over component,
>> where available.
> I agree. I jumped into the thread (maybe a mistake ;-) ) to counter the
> claim that many displays are now "all digital", and the notion that
> introducing just one analog element in the pipeline would result in
> disaster.
> Thomas Gilg

Points that are pedantic at best.

Whether some control of the final elements in the display can be considered
analog or not, the real point is that A/D and D/A conversions are not always
very good and avoiding them may represent an advantage. It is also
important to understand that, depending on the source and the destination
resolutions, scaling and de-interlacing may be much more of an issue. These
processes are even less likely to be artifact free, but it is often
impossible to avoid such processing. This means that the result may not be
predicatble nor intuitive when making assumptions about the type of display.
It is neccesary to have psecific knowledge of the products involved and may
even be necessary to make comparisons to determine which signal level is
best to use.

Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

Leonard Caillouet (no@no.com) wrote in alt.tv.tech.hdtv:
> Whether some control of the final elements in the display can be considered
> analog or not, the real point is that A/D and D/A conversions are not always
> very good and avoiding them may represent an advantage.

At the very least, I think we can all agree that avoiding extra A/D and D/A
conversions certainly couldn't be a disadvantage.

Jeff Rife |
| http://www.nabs.net/Cartoons/RhymesWithOrange/CatBed.jpg
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 08:51:42 -0400 Matthew L. Martin <nothere@notnow.never> wrote:
| phil-news-nospam@ipal.net wrote:
|> On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 18:23:01 -0400 Matthew L. Martin <nothere@notnow.never> wrote:
|> | phil-news-nospam@ipal.net wrote:
|> |> On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 17:09:21 -0400 Matthew L. Martin <nothere@notnow.never> wrote:
|> |>
|> |> | You have a small problem with your credibility. Michelle has been around
|> |> | about as long as we have. She is more than capable of deciding whom she
|> |> | wishes to beleive.
|> |>
|> |> It's more for the newbies that don't yet know of your history of harassment.
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> | Moron.
|> |>
|> |> It's a pathologic compulsion you have to persist in making attacks on
|> |> people rather than actually discuss the real topic.
|> |>
|> |
|> | Start saying anything that isn't moronic.
|> If you were not so blinded, you might see that I have. But for people like
|> you and Jeff, it's not really worth the time to say much.
| When? Where? Certainly not on this newsgroup.

Since it turns out you can't even read, it's pointless to even play
your little game.

| Moron,

But you are definitely a "stuck record" (the old vinyl kind).

| Phil Howard KA9WGN | http://linuxhomepage.com/ http://ham.org/ |
| (first name) at ipal.net | http://phil.ipal.org/ http://ka9wgn.ham.org/ |