HDTV questions



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When I play a Widscreen formatted DVD, I still have a small area at the
top and bottom of the screen that is unused. While it is a much smaller
unused portion of the screen I thaught I was going to be using the whole

my Set is an RCA D52W19
my DVD is a Teckwood DVR100

My dvd is set up with compotate video out and screen format is set to 16:9.

even with these settings I still have a vertical stretch when I play the
DVD.. I would liket o know is my screen is not a true 16:9. The RCA web
site make alutions that "Wide screen" means 16:9 but true 16:9 looks
much narower than my screen realy is.

can anyone ofer me advise ?
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

"No way" <no@way.com> wrote in message
: When I play a Widscreen formatted DVD, I still have a small area at
: top and bottom of the screen that is unused. While it is a much
: unused portion of the screen I thaught I was going to be using the
: screen.
: my Set is an RCA D52W19
: my DVD is a Teckwood DVR100
: My dvd is set up with compotate video out and screen format is set to
: even with these settings I still have a vertical stretch when I play
: DVD.. I would liket o know is my screen is not a true 16:9. The RCA
: site make alutions that "Wide screen" means 16:9 but true 16:9 looks
: much narower than my screen realy is.
: can anyone ofer me advise ?
Movies come in MANY aspect ratios: 1.33:1, 1.66:1, 1.85:1, 2.35:1, etc.
Your 16:9 set is 1.78:1.
Most movies will have some bars, somewhere.
That is as it should be...................
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

No way wrote:
> When I play a Widscreen formatted DVD, I still have a small area at the
> top and bottom of the screen that is unused. While it is a much smaller
> unused portion of the screen I thaught I was going to be using the whole
> screen.
> my Set is an RCA D52W19
> my DVD is a Teckwood DVR100
> My dvd is set up with compotate video out and screen format is set to 16:9.
> even with these settings I still have a vertical stretch when I play the
> DVD.. I would liket o know is my screen is not a true 16:9. The RCA web
> site make alutions that "Wide screen" means 16:9 but true 16:9 looks
> much narower than my screen realy is.
> can anyone ofer me advise ?

Can we please put together a definitive FAQ list somewhere since this
question is asked every single week?

Your widescreen DVD source image is most likely 2.35:1. That will not
fit perfectly in a 16:9 screen for mathematical reasons.

Seriously, doesn't anyone take Trigonometry or Geometry in high school
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 06:56:20 -0700, "Richard C." <post-age
@spamcop.net> wrote:

>"No way" <no@way.com> wrote in message
>: When I play a Widscreen formatted DVD, I still have a small area at
>: top and bottom of the screen that is unused. While it is a much
>: unused portion of the screen I thaught I was going to be using the
>: screen.
>: my Set is an RCA D52W19
>: my DVD is a Teckwood DVR100
>: My dvd is set up with compotate video out and screen format is set to
>: even with these settings I still have a vertical stretch when I play
>: DVD.. I would liket o know is my screen is not a true 16:9. The RCA
>: site make alutions that "Wide screen" means 16:9 but true 16:9 looks
>: much narower than my screen realy is.
>: can anyone ofer me advise ?
>Movies come in MANY aspect ratios: 1.33:1, 1.66:1, 1.85:1, 2.35:1, etc.
>Your 16:9 set is 1.78:1.
>Most movies will have some bars, somewhere.
>That is as it should be...................

Look at the aspect ration on the back of the DVD case. It probably
reads 2.35:1, which is wider than your 16:9 TV. Movies that are
filmed in 1.85:1 will fill the screen in the manner that you were
expecting. Anything less will probably (depending on the brand of TV)
result in a stretch.

Another thing to look for is "Anamorphic Widescreen". If the movie
that you are watching was not encoded in Anamorphic (the case may also
read "Enhanced for 16x9 Televisions"), you will definitely see large
black bars. I refuse to buy any movies that are not Anamorphic as I
am not happy with the image on the screen.

Here is a link to a great website that explains this a lot better than
I can:

Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

Very good explanation here: "Widescreen TVs don't get rid of black bars


"No way" <no@way.com> wrote in message
> When I play a Widscreen formatted DVD, I still have a small area at the
> top and bottom of the screen that is unused. While it is a much smaller
> unused portion of the screen I thaught I was going to be using the whole
> screen.
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

Greywolf wrote:

>>Can we please put together a definitive FAQ list somewhere since this
>>question is asked every single week?
> They are all over the place. One is
> http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=300693
> Pat

Right, but I guess my question was more rhetorical. Any n00b is not
going to bother going through the AVS forums first.

Perhaps the mantra "Google is your friend" is not yet common knowledge.
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

"kjw" <kjw@nospam.com> wrote in message
: Another thing to look for is "Anamorphic Widescreen". If the movie
: that you are watching was not encoded in Anamorphic (the case may also
: read "Enhanced for 16x9 Televisions"), you will definitely see large
: black bars.

Anamorphic has nothing to do with changing the aspect ratio.
Archived from groups: alt.tv.tech.hdtv (More info?)

In article <leQgc.63997$U83.36164@fed1read03> No way <no@way.com> writes:
>When I play a Widscreen formatted DVD, I still have a small area at the
>top and bottom of the screen that is unused. While it is a much smaller
>unused portion of the screen I thaught I was going to be using the whole

You thought incorrectly.

Your screen is 1.78 : 1. If the movie is wider, you will get bars.
Most movies are 1.85 : 1 or 2.35 : 1.

>even with these settings I still have a vertical stretch when I play the
>DVD.. I would liket o know is my screen is not a true 16:9. The RCA web
>site make alutions that "Wide screen" means 16:9 but true 16:9 looks
>much narower than my screen realy is.
>can anyone ofer me advise ?

Try a tape measure. But don't expect movies to be 16:9.
