Hey Guys I wanted to know if it was worth investing some money into good headphones and a good mic, I was thinking something like this kind of combo. Headphones: http/www.amazon.co.uk/Audio-Technica-ATH-M50-Monitor-Professional-Headphones/dp/B000ULAP4U/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=3JOYJC76QNQS3&coliid=IM6P8WVDMVCH1
Mic: http/www.amazon.co.uk/Blue-Microphones-Bidirectional-Omnidirectional-Microphone/dp/B002VA464S/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=3JOYJC76QNQS3&coliid=IH6F8A12932XH
Or whether to buy a gaming headset however I have heard that 7.1 gaming headset such as the razer tiamat are pretty gimmicky and not as good as a pair of good stereo headphones and I have heard that Razer surround is a very good virtual surround tool to emulate the surround feel so I was wondering what your guys opinion was on the matter and maybe you can give me some suggestions on what to buy. Thanks!
Mic: http/www.amazon.co.uk/Blue-Microphones-Bidirectional-Omnidirectional-Microphone/dp/B002VA464S/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=3JOYJC76QNQS3&coliid=IH6F8A12932XH
Or whether to buy a gaming headset however I have heard that 7.1 gaming headset such as the razer tiamat are pretty gimmicky and not as good as a pair of good stereo headphones and I have heard that Razer surround is a very good virtual surround tool to emulate the surround feel so I was wondering what your guys opinion was on the matter and maybe you can give me some suggestions on what to buy. Thanks!