help downgrade my win8 laptop to win7


Oct 19, 2011
I recently got an Asus laptop with Windows 8 pre-installed.
however no one at home is happy or comfortable with it. I have decided to downgrade it to win7.
How do I go about it?
(i have installed multiple OS numerous times on my desktop. I have a win 7 disk)

How about the current license? Any options for retaining that?
The key issue is whether your laptop has W7 drivers available. Until you determine that, hold off on the upgrade to W7. :)

Your W8 license is OEM but it can be transferred to another machine -- note that my earlier response was incorrect, but the problem is that you need to find a copy of the OEM disk that is not very available.

I have the required drivers.
How do I migrate the license?

Did you ever successfully downgrade? I find WIndows 8-8.1 a gawd awful operating system. Many features have been removed that were in WIndows 7 and the interfaces is extremely clumsy. I have sent an email to Asus to see if it is possible to install Windows 7 professional. Without that, I am going to return my laptop and find one that has Windows 7 installed.

I will post any response I get from Asus.
Most ASUS models do have Windows 7 x64 drivers available, look up your model on their support page. I have migrated quite a few. If you find them then you can pick up a cheap copy of Windows 7 off EBay and UPGRADE from 8 to 7.

But before you do, I would recommend that you determine your OEM Win 8 key -- you can do that by running an elevated command prompt (right click run as admin) and type in the following string (exactly):

powershell "(Get-WmiObject -query ‘select * from SoftwareLicensingService’).OA3xOriginalProductKey"

Then find a copy of this ISO image that is the Windows 7 OEM version: en_windows_8.1_with_update_x64_dvd_4065090

That will allow you to use Windows 8 on another machine or give it to somebody you don't really like. 😀