Help me fix, or find a stronger tv!


Feb 11, 2017
I have a samsung model number: un55ju6700f I thinks it's 55" curved. My kid through a sippy cup at it, now it looks like a spider web, some picture but, black and white where the impact hit. It's 8 months old. I don't know what to do or if it can even be fixed. This is our second 4k smart tv this year and my kids broke both of them. Can anyone help, or tell me about a tv that's stronger, and can withstand my 3 children! I'm so sick of buying tvs!
He must be a Falcon fan 😀

Is not fixable, at least not via any reasonable cost. Can do homeowner insurance - deductible.

In the future, a couple of things:

1. Put up an acrylic barrier in front, like they do it at some banks.
2. Purchase appliance accident insurance, but read the fine prints like how many accidents you are allowed before cancel.
He must be a Falcon fan 😀

Is not fixable, at least not via any reasonable cost. Can do homeowner insurance - deductible.

In the future, a couple of things:

1. Put up an acrylic barrier in front, like they do it at some banks.
2. Purchase appliance accident insurance, but read the fine prints like how many accidents you are allowed before cancel.