
Jun 21, 2016
ok I know not a thing, about amplifiers and really nothing about mixers. I have a carver mxr 150 receiver and a pair of carver surrounds and I am getting a pair of bose 802 speakers,however,after further research it seems there is a little more to hooking them up,so please anybody got any detailed,yet simple easily drawn out instructions on how I can do this? I have been told that you need a mixer and amp,also saw a little box(like the E.Q box for 901) sitting on top of a set in a picture but cant find any answers . Please help, greatly appreciated Thanks V
Hello, Who ever told you that you needed a mixer and an amp was just BS'ing you. Your receiver will work very well with a pair of Bose 802's, but you must consider a couple of things.

1. You have to use the special outboard eq unit in order for your 802's to sound right. Without the special eq box these speakers are essentially useless.

2. The special eq box will plug right into the back of that Carver receiver where the little jumper jacks are. Just take the little jumper jacks out and plug the RCA style wires that come out of the eq box into the jaclks where the little jumper wires use to be.

3. Because of the special characteristics of the eq box you can no longer use any other speakers on that receiver. Using the Bose 802's will...
Hello, Who ever told you that you needed a mixer and an amp was just BS'ing you. Your receiver will work very well with a pair of Bose 802's, but you must consider a couple of things.

1. You have to use the special outboard eq unit in order for your 802's to sound right. Without the special eq box these speakers are essentially useless.

2. The special eq box will plug right into the back of that Carver receiver where the little jumper jacks are. Just take the little jumper jacks out and plug the RCA style wires that come out of the eq box into the jaclks where the little jumper wires use to be.

3. Because of the special characteristics of the eq box you can no longer use any other speakers on that receiver. Using the Bose 802's will preclude the ability to switch back and forth between different sets of speakers unless you take the eq out of the system and then plug the little jumpers back in.

That's it. Enjoy your Bose, I enjoyed mine for many years before on.
The reason you were told to use a mixer amp is that Bose 802 are PA speakers not home audio speakers. The will work with the receiver as mentioned above but may not sound right. Your receiver is stereo not surround sound so rear speakers aren't needed.
If you want to switch between two pairs of speakers connect the Bose EQ into a tape monitor loop if you have one instead of the preout/amp in. Connect the record out to the EQ input and the EQ output to the play input.
Now you can switch the EQ out of the circuit when you want to use the other speakers.