Help needed for IVS ...settingup router/firewall (SMC2804W..



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I use a Motorola SURFBoard SB4100 Cable modem along with a SMC
BarricadeG - SMC2804WBR (wifi). I am trying to follow the following
instructions but can't figure out the steps involved. Video Sharing
Inbound Port#: 1024

"In order for people to be able to send you shows via the internet,
you will need to port forward whatever port number you entered on your
ReplayTV on your firewall to the IP of your ReplayTV on the LAN. I.e.
you may setup your ReplayTV to receive on port 11111. So your
router/firewall will need to be configured to pass traffic on that
port from the internet to your ReplayTV's IP address inside the
network. You don't have to give these settings out. Your ReplayTV
registers them automatically w/ the Replay IVS server."

Thanks for any assistance
Archived from groups: (More info?)

On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 16:06:12 -0700, Arawak <> wrote:

>I use a Motorola SURFBoard SB4100 Cable modem along with a SMC
>BarricadeG - SMC2804WBR (wifi). I am trying to follow the following
>instructions but can't figure out the steps involved. Video Sharing
>Inbound Port#: 1024
>"In order for people to be able to send you shows via the internet,
>you will need to port forward whatever port number you entered on your
>ReplayTV on your firewall to the IP of your ReplayTV on the LAN. I.e.
>you may setup your ReplayTV to receive on port 11111. So your
>router/firewall will need to be configured to pass traffic on that
>port from the internet to your ReplayTV's IP address inside the
>network. You don't have to give these settings out. Your ReplayTV
>registers them automatically w/ the Replay IVS server."
>Thanks for any assistance

Can't read your router manual? Try the SMC website. They may have
downloadable manuals, and other help.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

An example of what I am talking about is in the following insturction
per manual and Browser interface:

"Some applications require multiple connections, such as Internet
gaming, video conferencing, Internet telephony and others. These
applications cannot work when Network Address Translation (NAT) is
enabled. If you need to run applications that require multiple
connections, specify the port normally associated with an application
in the "Trigger Port" field, select the protocol type as TCP or UDP,
then enter the public ports associated with the trigger port to open
them for inbound traffic.
Note: The range of the Trigger Ports is from 1 to 65535."

How am I supposed to know what UDP is?
I am supposed to fill out:
Trigger Port/Trigger Type (TCP or UDP)/Public Port (what does this
mean and how and where am I supposed to figure out what to put
here?)/Public Type (TCP or UDP).
I am not even sure if this is whaere I should be going to open port
11111. ReplayTV shows Video Sharing Inbound Port# 1024, so should I be
using 1024 or 11111?

On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 16:06:12 -0700, Arawak <> wrote:

>I use a Motorola SURFBoard SB4100 Cable modem along with a SMC
>BarricadeG - SMC2804WBR (wifi). I am trying to follow the following
>instructions but can't figure out the steps involved. Video Sharing
>Inbound Port#: 1024
>"In order for people to be able to send you shows via the internet,
>you will need to port forward whatever port number you entered on your
>ReplayTV on your firewall to the IP of your ReplayTV on the LAN. I.e.
>you may setup your ReplayTV to receive on port 11111. So your
>router/firewall will need to be configured to pass traffic on that
>port from the internet to your ReplayTV's IP address inside the
>network. You don't have to give these settings out. Your ReplayTV
>registers them automatically w/ the Replay IVS server."
>Thanks for any assistance
Archived from groups: (More info?)

On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 02:00:18 -0700, Arawak <>

>An example of what I am talking about is in the following insturction
>per manual and Browser interface:
>"Some applications require multiple connections, such as Internet
>gaming, video conferencing, Internet telephony and others. These
>applications cannot work when Network Address Translation (NAT) is
>enabled. If you need to run applications that require multiple
>connections, specify the port normally associated with an application
>in the "Trigger Port" field, select the protocol type as TCP or UDP,
>then enter the public ports associated with the trigger port to open
>them for inbound traffic.
>Note: The range of the Trigger Ports is from 1 to 65535."
>How am I supposed to know what UDP is?

There are definitions on the SMC website
but you don't need them.

>I am supposed to fill out:
>Trigger Port/Trigger Type (TCP or UDP)/Public Port (what does this
>mean and how and where am I supposed to figure out what to put

It's the port your Replay is set to use, You need to look in your
Replay manual. The appropriate information is on page 16 of the 5000
series manual is a section titled "Configuring Ports For Sending
Recordings". Just in case you can't find it, I copied that stuff


Sending recording to other ReplayTVs requires a port to be forwarded
through your router (or firewall) for incoming network connections.
You can normally specify the incoming port number, port type,
destination IP address, and port status when configuring a port. The
following are example configuration settings, Refer to your router
documentation for more complete instructions.

* Incoming port number: This can be any port that is not in use by
another application. It is recommended that you choose a high port
number like 29000.

* Port type: your choices are normally Both, TCP, and UDP. Choose TCP.

* Destination IP address: Enter the IP address that the port should be
associated with or mapped to. This will be the IP address of ReplayTV.
It is recommended that you specify the IP address of ReplayTV for
sending recordings.

* Port Status: Enable or Disable. Choose Enable.

In the advanced section of your router setup software, you may find
either a Port Forwarding or Virtual Server section. On this page, you
will need to enter the port information described above.

Some Routers allow you to create filters and define rules for opening
ports and forwarding IP information. Within these rules and filters,
you would enter the same information as you would on a Port Forwarding
or Virtual Server page.

Depending on your router, it might be necessary to add the IP address
of ReplayTV to the DMZ host page. This will place ReplayTV outside of
the firewall. This may be necessary if the router is not properly
routing the information it receives to ReplayTV. Check your router
manual for more details on when using DMZ is appropriate.

> /Public Type (TCP or UDP).
>I am not even sure if this is whaere I should be going to open port
>11111. ReplayTV shows Video Sharing Inbound Port# 1024, so should I be
>using 1024 or 11111?

The Replay can use any port in the range of 1024 to 65535 )a lot of
people just use the default of 29000, which is OK). What did you set
it to?

>On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 16:06:12 -0700, Arawak <> wrote:
>>I use a Motorola SURFBoard SB4100 Cable modem along with a SMC
>>BarricadeG - SMC2804WBR (wifi). I am trying to follow the following
>>instructions but can't figure out the steps involved. Video Sharing
>>Inbound Port#: 1024
>>"In order for people to be able to send you shows via the internet,
>>you will need to port forward whatever port number you entered on your
>>ReplayTV on your firewall to the IP of your ReplayTV on the LAN. I.e.
>>you may setup your ReplayTV to receive on port 11111. So your
>>router/firewall will need to be configured to pass traffic on that
>>port from the internet to your ReplayTV's IP address inside the
>>network. You don't have to give these settings out. Your ReplayTV
>>registers them automatically w/ the Replay IVS server."
>>Thanks for any assistance

Mark Lloyd