Solved! Help needed with pioneer receiver and Sony bluray connect..


Mar 4, 2017
I have a new Sony bluray-dvd player (bdp-s3700) that I`m trying to hook up via my pioneer receiver. its an older model vsx-1016txv-k, and my tv is a Samsung smart tv. I currently can play audio through my surround sound system (with a music cd for example) using the dvd component input, but do not get any video with it, Or I can get video, using the dvr component, but do not get the surround sound, only with the tv sound. There are no more hookups on the back of the dvd player, there must be something I`m missing and would appreciate some guidance. Thanks
One more piece, what is the model of the TV? It may be the case that you have to connect the Sony via HDMI to the TV and then bring audio back to the receiver...
I haven`t tried that arrangement yet. TV model is pn51e550
I currently have the bluray connected by hdmi and coax to receiver. And hdmi and optic to TV. (I think that's right, I`m no expert at these things)

I think you're making way too many connections. The hdmi cable carries all the audio and video itself. Every device you have with hdmi out connects to an hdmi in on your receiver (looks like you have six). You then run one hdmi out from the receiver to the tv. That's it. No other cables.
so I had hdm1 dvd in to receiver. but no audio so added coax.
hdmi in from cable to receiver
and hdmi out from receiver to tv
and optic out from tv to receiver
I thought I saw somewhere that this early model receiver hdmi didn't effectivel transmit audio and video though
My bad - read the manual. On one page it states that that hdmi is the be-all then the very next states you have use other audio. That makes zero sense.

So... Kanewolf's method should work. I'd connect every device to the tv (cept like a cd player) then optical back to receiver.
I give up, just realized now I only have bluray, it has replaced my cable feed as well. TV seems to only recognize 1 hdmi in. So my bluray plays on both tv and dvd mode even though they`re plugged in to different ports