
Sep 7, 2014
My current tv is a Panasonic 53" rear projection 1080i/480p but xbox one and ps4 won't work with this tv, since there are no HDMIs. I want a new TV but what do I get? I want at least 50". The TV is in the basement;therefore, day light is no issue. I don't want burn-in issues and I don't want a lot of motion blur...but more importantly, as little input lag as possible.


May 27, 2009
Sharp and Sony make awesome TV's that are excellent for gaming on. Sharp usually being a bit more expensive though. I myself have a Sony 32" Bravia 1080p, and I love it. Both my brothers have 40" 120hz Sony's, one is 4ms response time and the other is 2ms. I say to look for a 120hz Sony/Sharp with the lowest response time you can find, while keeping the price reasonable. ;)
i personally use a sony bravia as well. its been good to me.

keep in mind that all televisions are 60hz input so you will get no benefit from 120 or 240hz. in fact you need to disable that when you play games because it will cause visible lag due to the post processing the tv does to fake the extra frames. you will be running in 60hz mode for gaming.

the 3 major brands to pick from which are good in the usa are sony, samsung and lg.

you do not need a smart tv as those features will eventually be outdated when they stop providing tv updates after the first year or two.


May 27, 2009

I never liked Samsung when being used as a gaming monitor personally. I always found them to be dark for some reason. I have never seen an LG in action for games so I can't say anything there, but I assume they would be good at it since they make computer monitors as well. I have seen some pretty amazing Sharp HDTVs used for gaming, but the prices are usually higher than Sony's for the same performance/quality. Sony all the way. :)

PS: OP the Sony I linked has one of the best response times you can get in an HDTV. Check the review I linked.

yes but generally "sharp" is considered at a tier below the 3 i listed in terms of quality. not saying they are bad.. just noting this.

i would stand behind sony. you can actually get repair parts for sony too unlike some other brands.