So my friend has a Dell Inspiron 11-3147 2 in 1 laptop, yeah I know... Anyways, Dell sent her a new HHD back in April. When I went to the rescue it was stuck in the Dell boot loop, saying it was trying to repair the hhd, needless to say after 9 hrs it was still saying that.. Now I have time to get into it, I was able to fix the charging port issue, but Dell refuses to let me have the os due to this issue, nope want me to pay a fee. Will not allow for a new hhd without paying for it. I am pretty sure it is fried. Hers is a 500 I swapped it for a 320 just to see and it will not even allow to go into the BIOS, it just does the boot loop at the Dell logo. I am currently downloading Windows OS to my external drive hoping to plug in and i can get this thing working.. I am really trying to figure out how this thing keeps killing hhds's.. Does anyone have any other suggestions to help me attempt to fix this laptop, when stuck in the boot loop it does not respond to F2 or 12 being pushed...