Hi, Acer aspire touch screen v3 572p, I need a new battery but can't find a replacement as I don't have any Info on the type

according to pictures online the battery is integrated and non-replaceable. Can you tell if the battery is removable on your unit (without dissecting the case)?

Is your unit under warranty with Acer? I would contact them for support if still covered. Otherwise you might be looking for a new laptop.
Hi, The battery is removable, the notebook was a display model with the battery missing, the notebook is a v5 touch screen and the model is a v3 572p, i5 processor, 6 gig ram and 1tb Hard drive, as suggested I will phone the Acer help line tomorrow, just thought I'd post this as I've been searching for hours.
Hello, I have had the exact same problem with the same model laptop, and I was wondering whether you found a solution to the problem. If you have it would really help out if you replied. Thanks!
contact Acer's help line (found on their website) and ask them. They should be able to give you a replacement part number to look for, or if it is fairly new maybe you can get it replaced.
take a picture of the battery, write down the code numbers for the battery and look up on google or acer's website if u want to be more direct
i'm sure a few dealers out there actually sell that battery if acer can't give u a free replacement.