High percentage use in task manager

Josiah c-e

Dec 1, 2014
So recently i have noticed significant fps drops in many games and was wondering if this was dude to unwant programs taking up cpu/disk usage etc. My fps in all my games was smooth until recently and i have no idea why. Here are some screenshots of task manager :
These show the highest usage of each section and was wondering if this is normal. Any help appreciated

reset windows completly and try your games again if this doesnt work it is either a hard drive error i highly doubt it is psu error but my. I think it is cpu or gpu because hard drive tend not to fail a lot. what is your current graphics card and how long have you had it? also before you reset try and play your game with http://www.cpuid.com/downloads/hwmonitor/hwmonitor_1.30.exe this program running in the background a have a look at your max temps when you exit the game of your cpu package and your gpu max temp

Ah do you think my cpu is losing its life? It is a few years old and I only have a stock cooler but i would really like to understand why some things are having such a high usage.

You click check status and it will say searching registry wait a while till it finishes and it should say a few cores are parked (thats if they are) then just click unpark all and if they are not i will search deeper into the problem

i had 2 parked cores! what does this mean?
it basically helps save power and it is only needed on laptops mostly but Microsoft put it in anyway. On some systems it does take away fps but not all systems. once unparked restart your pc and try your games again if it doesnt seem to have done anything come back

Sad thing is it didnt help, what should i try next?

reset windows completly and try your games again if this doesnt work it is either a hard drive error i highly doubt it is psu error but my. I think it is cpu or gpu because hard drive tend not to fail a lot. what is your current graphics card and how long have you had it? also before you reset try and play your game with http://www.cpuid.com/downloads/hwmonitor/hwmonitor_1.30.exe this program running in the background a have a look at your max temps when you exit the game of your cpu package and your gpu max temp


when you say reset windows completely do you mean a fresh install? Also my gpu is an r7 370 that ive had for only a few months


i mean fresh install sorry but before you reset try and play your game with http://www.cpuid.com/downloads/hwmonitor/hwmonitor_1.30.exe this program running in the background a have a look at your max temps when you exit the game of your cpu package and your gpu max temp. I doubt it is gpu then