Red,white and yellow 3in1 cables are called AV cables. First check that the AV cables are connected to the "AV OUT" ports in the DVD player as we are sending signal out of the player and into the TV. The next step is to connect the other end of the AV cables into the TV. Make sure the red & white cables are inserted in "AUDIO IN or L/R" which will guarantee us audio. The next step is to insert the loose yellow cable into the correct socket. The yellow port on the TV will actually be an OUT port, hence why the player says "No signal" - We need the yellow cable to be in a "IN" port. The TV has another source called COMP which is similar to AV source and the ports are also shared with each other (the only difference with AV and COMP is a component cable has 5 heads instead of 3 to provide better quality). Insert the YELLOW cable into the GREEN coloured port that says "COMP/AV, VIDEO IN". Change the source to either AV or COMPONENT and shell be good to go.