I just installed a Onkyo CS-265 stereo system. This is a "Dorm room" type of system. I got it to play out onto my outside deck. I added two additional outdoor speakers. One set of speakers plays inside and one set plays outside. The two that play inside came with the system and the outdoor speakers are "add on's". The inside speakers are 6ohm's speakers as is the amp. The outdoor speakers are 8ohms speakers. I have added a 2 way switch so I can select which speakers I want on. The problem I'm having is both sets of speakers have a "hissing" sound like static when a radio station isn't tuned in.(It also does it when the CD player is playing) The hissing goes away when I wire a pair of speakers directly into the amp and by pass the 2 way switch. I guessing I have a pretty low quality 2 way switch since it allows the noise. All wire connections are color coded so all connections match like their suppose to. How do I cure the noise so I can use the 2 way switch on my system, I'm a complete electrical buffoon so explain VERY simple so I will get it. Please advise