HL2 is OUT !!!!!!!! - OMG this game is awesome


May 21, 2004
Like other big titles, HL2 street date is broken. Doug said that if this happens, they will unlock HL2. So hope n pray that HL2 is unlocked this weekend.

<A HREF="http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/565/565561p1.html?ui=rssFeed" target="_new">http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/565/565561p1.html?ui=rssFeed</A>

Some retard bought Halo2 thinking it was Half Life 2.

:tongue: <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/priyajeet/fing.jpg" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue: <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by priyajeet on 11/16/04 03:03 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
Funny, but rumors are also circulation HL2 delayed again.

<A HREF="http://www.hlfallout.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=16786&st=0&#entry321099" target="_new">http://www.hlfallout.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=16786&st=0&#entry321099</A>

:tongue: <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/priyajeet/fing.jpg" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue:
Unless I'm my eyesight is going, I'm pretty sure <A HREF="http://www.hardocp.com/image.html?image=MTEwMDIxNzkzN2JRR0pSWnRHbUJfMV8xX2wuanBn" target="_new">this</A> display says the 16th!

Maxtor disgraces the six letters that make Matrox.
no idea, dumb fu*ck bought Halo2 and posted somewhere on steam (post now deleted) - that since when valve is owned by M$ ? and the CD/DVD is not working on PC....must have ordered it online or something. He got flamed a lot. Maybe was joking but was kicked off the steam forum.

:tongue: <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/priyajeet/fing.jpg" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue:
Im trying not to buy into the hype of HL2 like I bought into the hype of doom, then played doom and was extremley disapointed. Im trying to keep it neutral so if its not the coolest thing since jesus I wont be to disapointed and can still give it a go. But after playing cs source, the excitment is stating to creep in nonetheless.

Asus p4c800 Deluxe,1 Gig Mushkin PC3200 Dual Channel Level II V2,Pentium 4 3.0 512k 800fsb HT, Thermaltake Xaser III, Thermaltake Spark 7+, Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS Platinum Pro, eVGA GeForce 6800 GT
So, I'm a little bit fuzzy about this- do you have to register HL2 online before you can even play it? Or is that only for online gaming? My computer isn't on the internet right now.

<A HREF="http://atomfilms.shockwave.com/landing/landingIndex.jsp?id=dumb01&mature=accept" target="_new">DumbLand</A>
u have to register it online - activate it.
they are doing a pretty good job abt piracy - watch out pirates - u might get a crack only after a while (if u can get one in the 2st place)

<A HREF="http://theinquirer.net/?article=19642" target="_new">http://theinquirer.net/?article=19642</A>

and for those who dont have internet access - forget playing games and get internet.

:tongue: <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/priyajeet/fing.jpg" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue:
Gabe responds to all those posts and 40000 views at steam pleading to unlock the game !!!!!

<A HREF="http://img48.exs.cx/img48/6175/gabe6.jpg" target="_new">http://img48.exs.cx/img48/6175/gabe6.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://www.planetgabe.com/gabesign/gabe.php?line1=One%20more&line2=\%22unlock\%22&line3=post&line4=and%20we&line5=NEVER&line6=unlock%20it" target="_new">http://www.planetgabe.com/gabesign/...ne6=unlock it</A>
<A HREF="http://img110.exs.cx/img110/8449/untitled157.jpg" target="_new">http://img110.exs.cx/img110/8449/untitled157.jpg</A>
<A HREF="http://www.planetgabe.com/gabesign/gabe.php?line1=PULL%20MY&line2=FINGER&line3=TO%20UNLOCK&line4=YOUR&line5=STUPID&line6=GAME&line7=LOL" target="_new">http://www.planetgabe.com/gabesign/...E&line7=LOL!</A>
<A HREF="http://www.planetgabe.com/gabesign/gabe.php?line1=&line2=Just&line3=one&line4=more&line5=year!&line6=&line7=" target="_new">http://www.planetgabe.com/gabesign/...ne6=&line7=</A>
<A HREF="http://www.planetgabe.com/gabesign/gabe.php?line1=u%20can%20tell&line2=by%20the%20way&line3=i%20use%20my&line4=walk%20im%20a&line5=woman%20man&line6=no%20time&line7=to%20talk" target="_new">http://www.planetgabe.com/gabesign/...line7=to talk</A>

:tongue: <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/priyajeet/fing.jpg" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue: <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by priyajeet on 11/12/04 04:04 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
A beautiful gamespot article here.
<A HREF="http://www.gamespot.com/features/6112889/index.html" target="_new">http://www.gamespot.com/features/6112889/index.html</A>

Talks about difficulties behind HL2, hacking that happened last year and a lot lot more. good article.

:tongue: <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/priyajeet/fing.jpg" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue:
LMAO, funny pics. And I can't believe a site to Gabe exists. The Gallery music is especially hilarious.

<font color=blue>Ede</font color=blue>
That anti-piracy move by Valve is quite smart. I do wonder how many so far have actually been able to get a pirated copy and make it work.

<font color=blue>Ede</font color=blue>
I usually do have internet, but my current housemate does not want to share the connection, so until I move into this other place I have to use internet at school. It's too bad they didn't use a timed activation, like "You have to register this within a week" sort of thing. I suppose if they did that, though, the pirates would have found a way to get rid of it.

<A HREF="http://atomfilms.shockwave.com/landing/landingIndex.jsp?id=dumb01&mature=accept" target="_new">DumbLand</A>
Can't you try to install it at school and activate it there? I wonder, does it function like MS' activation where it detects if a system has radically changed, to request contacting them.

<font color=blue>Ede</font color=blue>
Smart? If I bought HL2 not knowing I couldn't play it yet, then found out they won't validate it for a while, I'd download a HACK that allowed me to play.

And that would be the entry to a life of piracy. Think about it, hacks are the entry drug of pirates!

So I think they're encouraging piracy.

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
Hmm well it kinda boils down to willpower or something similar. I know I'd be patient. And hey, it was clear and was stated that November 16th (or was it 17th?) will be the date. So be it!

<font color=blue>Ede</font color=blue>
Boils for a lot of people.

George Broussard of 3drealms openly said to vivendi
"seriously FU*CK YOU"

:tongue: <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/priyajeet/fing.jpg" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue:
Well, I agree, Vivendi has been only torturing Valve lately. Everytime I think of Valve now, I don't remember a strong company with that guy with the valve in his eye, I now think of a puppet controlled by the big guy. Really shameful. :frown:

<font color=blue>Ede</font color=blue>
ok, i admit i aint a as big a fan of HL2 as
<A HREF="http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?tab=4&type=product&id=1056899605282&skuId=5756041" target="_new">http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?tab=4&type=product&id=1056899605282&skuId=5756041</A>

Also Best Buy better watch out. Those retards might get sued by Vivendi for letting games out early. Also see the system requirements.
<A HREF="http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?j=1&tab=4&type=product&id=1056899605282&skuId=5756041" target="_new">http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?j=1&tab=4&type=product&id=1056899605282&skuId=5756041</A>

:tongue: <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/priyajeet/fing.jpg" target="_new"><i><font color=red>Very funny, Scotty.</font color=red><font color=blue> Now beam down my clothes.</font color=blue></i></A> :tongue: <P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by priyajeet on 11/14/04 01:09 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
Wow, if your PC is less then 3 years old, you can play HL2; who knew! :tongue:

ABIT IS7, P4 2.6C, 1GB Corsair XMS 4000 Pro Series, Radeon 9800 Pro, Santa Cruz, TruePower 430watt