Home theater surround sound component Red and white cables to hook to new Samsung 4K HDMI tv


Nov 26, 2017
I have an RCA RT2870 Home theater surround sound system. It does not have HDMI on back but it is dobly digitil 5.1. I am getting a new Samsung55" curved 4K 2160 Smart LED TV and it only has HDMI on it. What do I need to buy in order to hook this new tv up to my Sound system. Its not video its just audio. Help please. Thanks.
Thank you very much. I did a lot of digging and finally found a site that showed more outputs. WHEW!!!
Thank you very very much. Appreciate all your help.

Okay I clicked on that site and it says it does not convert 5.1 or 7.1 or any other form of surround sound. I have an RCA RT2870 Home theater reciever it says its is dolby digital pro logic and digital sound processor.
Thank you very much for the information. I had to order the cable as they dont sell that around here. But was able to get it at walmart.com for 6 dollars. Hooked it up last night and IT WORKS!!!!.. Thank you all. It was just a different cable type i needed. YAY.