D davidwaynemassie3 Nov 5, 2018 2 0 10 Nov 5, 2018 #1 How is it possible to be a year and a half old but not be manufacturered for 6 more days.
Colif Distinguished Moderator Jun 12, 2015 626 34 20,140 Nov 5, 2018 #2 where is it showing that date? Upvote 0 Downvote
D davidwaynemassie3 Nov 5, 2018 2 0 10 Nov 5, 2018 #3 On the back of the laptop. It has the manufacture date 11/09/18 Upvote 0 Downvote
Colif Distinguished Moderator Jun 12, 2015 626 34 20,140 Nov 5, 2018 #4 what make/model laptop? can you show photos? not that I don't believe you but maybe its a date for something else? if you take photos, upload them to an image sharing web site and show links here. There should be a sensible explanation unless they are time travellers. Upvote 0 Downvote
what make/model laptop? can you show photos? not that I don't believe you but maybe its a date for something else? if you take photos, upload them to an image sharing web site and show links here. There should be a sensible explanation unless they are time travellers.
hang-the-9 Titan Mar 25, 2010 20,148 282 124,800 Nov 5, 2018 #5 My guess is that 18 is actually a 16 and the 6 looks like an 8 in the print or was smudged. Upvote 0 Downvote
jsmithepa Dignified Jun 14, 2014 4,163 3 14,615 Nov 5, 2018 #6 Time travel. 😀 For a long time, I believed duplicated MAC is impossible, and yet I've been proven wrong by a post. So they mess up the stamping, is not illegal, u can't sue them, unless is pharmaceutical. Upvote 0 Downvote
Time travel. 😀 For a long time, I believed duplicated MAC is impossible, and yet I've been proven wrong by a post. So they mess up the stamping, is not illegal, u can't sue them, unless is pharmaceutical.