How can I connect my TV to my Receiver and have 5.1 surround using the TV Signal?


Dec 5, 2015

I have a 44 inch TV Full HD ( can't remember the model, since it's rebranded or sth, and to be honest it does not matter that much, it's not a smart-tv and the only inputs and outputs are these: ) with 2 HDMI inputs and 1 SPDIF output. I own the Yamaha HTR-2067 AV Receiver and the JBL SCS 178 5.1 Surround System. I am having trouble getting true 5.1 surround sound when watching TV (I mean through my TV signal). I managed to get true 5.1 surround sound by connecting my PC to my AV Receiver through HDMI, and then my AV Receiver to my TV through HDMI again. Through tests I indeed have 5.1 surround. My problem is that when I connect my TV as such: Antenna to my TV and then my TV to AV Receiver through SPDIF cable on a COAXIAL input, even though the rear speakers work, I don't think it's true 5.1 surround. The AV Receiver does have an Antenna input, but it says it's for FM. How can I manage to get true 5.1 surround watching TV through TV Signal? Is there any way? Thanks for your time!

PS. Here are some pictures of the back of the Yamaha HTR-2067:

Yes, thats it. See if you can...
Hi, do remember that not much of what you watch on 'normal' TV will be encoded with surround sound (except films of course) The best way to test is to watch a film, preferably a fairly new one, and toggle through the surround sound presets. Or if your A/V system has a de-code option (for determining what surround sound version is being received) use that.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your response! From what I described, you think that my setup is correct and it can transmit 5.1 surround sound? I'm talking about Antenna to TV -> TV to AV Receiver through SPDIF. Because if it's correct, then it doesn't transmit on 5.1 because of the actual Channel NOT transmitting the audio on 5.1, correct?

Yes, thats it. See if you can watch a movie on one of the movie channels, and then see if your A/V recognises the input as some form of surround sound, such as Dolby Pro Logic 2.0, DTS, Dolby Digital ect... But as i said, you *MAY* need to put your A/V on to surround de-code or a similar setting for it to decide which codec the picture is encoded with. But it should pick it up. Also some sports channels transmit programmes with surround sound!

Give it a go and let me know how you get on.
